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The Ministry Of Truth May Be A Reality In Biden’s America

Pressures are mounting especially by the New York Times, and ivy league schools to begin a government run institution of 'approved' media.


George Orwell is turning in his grave right now.

These MSM clowns and left wing authoritarians are essentially trying to start “The Ministry of Truth” in America.

They want to be able to tell YOU what is true, and what is not true.

I think it is absolutely hilarious that ANY government could possibly be the gatekeeper of truth.

We have a recorded history of several thousand years that proves this time and time again without fail. No government is honest ever.

Any person who believes ANYTHING, that ANY government says at ANY given time is beyond naive.

Here is what we could dig up:

100 Percent Fed Up had more on the story: 

The establishment swamp on the left and right has done just that in creating a ‘reality crisis.’  In this crisis, people have difficulty determining what is real and what is fake.  This is because media continually bombards them with false news that is blended with real news, unscientific data blended with truth, and one-sided perspectives that completely ignore facts on the other sides of issues.

Not only does this destroy any sense of balance in society, but it makes people who do find outlets to get a balanced view of reality seem crazy to these brainwashed masses.  These brainwashed automatons, dubbed NPCs, are unable to accept any outside truths because they have been trained for too long that their faith in failed institutions is actually an absolute fact.  And they have also been trained that all other information is suspect or false.

Now, after creating this reality crisis, the fascist corporatist establishment is openly defining the solution to the problem it created.

The New York Times has proposed that Banana Republic Biden create a “Reality Czar.”

Yes, they really are out to get you for your thoughts.  It is as though they want to prove my Banana Republic epithet is true at any cost.  

The Hill had a related report: 

One of the more unsettling comments from influential lawmakers came on Wednesday with little fanfare despite being downright Orwellian in its perspective around "media literacy" and a congressional "truth and reconciliation" committee.

"There’s absolutely a commission that’s being discussed, but it seems to be more investigating in style rather than truth and reconciliation,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said in an Instagram video post Wednesday.

In a related story, Orwell's "1984" had a government propaganda department called "The Ministry of Truth."

“I do think that several members of Congress in some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is part of what happened here,” Ocasio-Cortez went on. “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,” she said.


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