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Patrick Byrne: When Americans Learn What Happened This Morning, They Will Lynch a Certain Governor and SOS


I’ve been telling you that Patrick Byrne is fast becoming one of my favorite patriots.

One of the few who I trust implicitly to have our President’s and our Country’s best interest at heart.

That list includes POTUS himself, Rudy, Sidney, Wood, Flynn and Byrne.

And I think Pompeo.

Byrne is a tech genius, founding

When he saw the Steal occur on November 6, he has dedicated his time and money to helping stop it.

And that has included a 4.5 hour private meeting with President Trump in the Oval Office.

Details here.

Byrne has since been working heavily on stopping the steal in Georgia and he just Tweeted out a bombshell this morning.

Take a look:

When Americans learn what I learned this morning (from a federally certified forensic document examiner) about certain ballots in certain counties in a certain state, they are going to lynch every politician involved in this scheme. Starting with a certain governing and SOS.

He then corrected the Tweet to confirm it should have said Governor, not governing:

In case you need help deciphering this, he’s saying he has clear evidence to show that Gov. Kemp and SOS Raffensperger have done some terrible things.

Treasonous things.

I can only assume it is ties to China.

When he says Americans are going to want to lynch every single one of them involved, it reminds me of a certain Q post from several years ago:

Remember this?

It kind of makes me wonder if Byrne is tied into Q.

It would make sense with his tech background.

Is he one of the members?

But he wasn’t finished exposing evidence in Georgia.

Apparently his team went into the Fulton County Warehouse and seized a host of FAKE BALLOTS.

You might even call that “evidence”, no?

Take a look:

I loved this next one.

A follower wrote back to one of his Tweets and says he expects the SOS in Georgia to be locked up soon:

To which Byrne replied:

In case you don’t know, “Insh’allah” is Muslim-speak for “If Allah wills it.”

Byrne is hilariously trolling these people with one of their own demonic words.


Here is even more from Byrne on Georgia:

So what do you think?


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