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President Trump Responds After The Supreme Court Rejects The Texas Lawsuit


President Trump is not done fighting!

After finding out the disappointing news the Supreme Court has chosen to reject the Texas Lawsuit which aimed to overturn the election, President Trump wasn’t silent and responded on Twitter.

The President was quoted saying “The Supreme Court really let us down. No Wisdom, No Courage!”.

Trump also tweeted a video that showcased all the election fraud that occurred in the 2020 election too.

The Washington Times covered the story and released these details:

President Trump doubled down on his election fraud allegations Friday after the Supreme Court rejected Texas’ massive lawsuit challenging the Nov. 3 results.

Mr. Trump posted one of his campaign’s videos on Twitter that presented a litany of fraud claims from Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

“America deserved an honest election. This is what they got,” says the female narrator. “Suitcases of ballots added in secret in Georgia, dead people voting in Wisconsin, a money-for-vote scheme in Nevada, poll watchers denied access in Pennsylvania, faulty ballot drop boxes and clerks facing felony charges in Michigan. The evidence is overwhelming.”

MSN added to the story also:


President Donald Trump criticized the US Supreme Court on Friday after it rejected a legal challenge aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“The Supreme Court really let us down,” he said in a tweet.″No Wisdom, No Courage!”

The lawsuit, which was brought by the Texas attorney general and joined by other Republican-led states, sought to have the election results overturned in four states, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

The court said that Texas lacked the standing to bring the case.



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