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President Trump Makes Christmas Eve A Federal Holiday


How has this not happened yet!

President Trump has signed an executive order that says “all executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government shall be closed and their employees excused from duty on Thursday, December 24, 2020″.

Obama and Clinton both only gave half days to Federal workers on Christmas Eve but President Trump has one-upped them and has given federal workers a full day off.

The New York Post covered Trump’s Executive Order and added these details:

President Trump on Friday signed an order giving federal workers a paid day off work on Christmas Eve.

The news was a welcome surprise for workers who expected at most a half day.

Trump’s order says, “All executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government shall be closed and their employees excused from duty on Thursday, December 24, 2020, the day before Christmas Day.”

Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton only gave half days when Christmas fell on a Friday, as it does this year.

Obama allowed a half day in 2015 and 2009, GovExec reported. Clinton also allowed a half day in 1998.

The Daily Mail didn’t stay behind and added to the story too:

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Trump’s order allows that certain employees may be required to work on Christmas Eve ‘for reasons of national security, defense, or other public need.’

When Trump closed federal agencies last year, he became the first president since Franklin D. Roosevelt make Christmas Eve a full holiday when it fell on a Tuesday.

Trump also gave federal employees Christmas Eve off in 2018, when it fell on a Monday.

Although Christmas Day is a designated federal holiday, there is no guarantee that federal workers will get extra time off for Christmas Eve.

Trump made support for Christmas part of his campaign in 2016, vowing that he would support the holiday against the ‘war on Christmas.’


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