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Hollywood Celebs Melt Down, Demand Trump “Resign Now”


Have you ever seen three less likable people than these losers?


Also, never has anyone been so poorly named than "Joy" Behar.  

These people are insufferable.

And they were in full on meltdown mode today after a (Fake News?) report emerged from Bob Woodward's new book claiming that Trump did something or other wrong.

Ever get tired of this same song and dance?

Hey "celebs" and MSM, ever noticed that we basically don't even listen to you anymore?

But anyway, I guess the new claim is that Trump did something horribly wrong because he admitted he didn't want to alarm the country over the initial outbreak of COVID.



Sorry, but isn't that EXACTLY what a leader should do?

Keep the peace.

Don't get people panicked. 

Meanwhile, start working immediately on a solution....which is what he did.

Remember the China travel ban?

Turns out it saved millions of lives and he did it very early on.

Yet these same "celebs" where throwing hissy fits back then when he did it.

They have no credibility.

Then do you remember the Europe travel ban?

I do.

But facts don't matter with these people.

They're in full on meltdown mode.

Take a look:

Then Rosie O'Fat chimed in:

My God, is that Rosie O'Donnell or the woman who ate Rosie O'Donnell?


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