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Bill Gates On C-19 Vaccines: “You Don’t Have A Choice!”

The Microsoft Billionaire discusses the Covid Virus with The Financial Times.


Many people online believe that the Covid-19 virus and subsequent crisis has been a stage to further advance the entrenchment of the New World Order.

We have witnessed the mass suppression of most American’s Civil Liberties, anarchy on the streets, and the destruction of “Main Street” and the further hegemony of Big Tech over our economy. 

One theory out there posits that Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, holds the patent over a Covid-19 Vaccine. 

At the very least, according to him, society doesn’t have a choice to but shut down and be ultimately be vaccinated:

CNBC covered Gates' response to the implications that he is somehow linked to the virus and future treatments:

Billionaire Bill Gates has become a top target of conspiracy theories related to the coronavirus pandemic, which the Microsoft co-founder called “bizarre.”

“It’s almost hard to deny this stuff because it’s so stupid or strange that even to repeat it gives it credibility,” Gates said Thursday on phone call announcing The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s $1.6 billion pledge to global vaccine alliance Gavi, according to Business Insider.

Since the start of the global pandemic, Gates has been the subject of conspiracies falsely linking him to the coronavirus’ origins in some way or another. In fact a Yahoo News/YouGov survey in May found that 28% of U.S. adults believed a debunked conspiracy theory suggesting Gates planned to use an eventual Covid-19 vaccine to implant monitoring microchips in billions of people.

“In a way, it’s so bizarre you almost want to see it as something humorous but it’s really not a humorous thing,” Gates said, according to Business Insider.

Bill Gates explains the work his foundation is doing to combat coronavirus
“I’ve never been involved in any microchip type thing,” Gates said, according to Wired. “It is good to know which kids have had a measles vaccine and which have not, so there are data systems and… health records that people use to track that… but there’s no chips or anything like that.”

Gates called the survey “a little bit concerning,” according to Wired, and added that widespread conspiracies could ultimately be dangerous if they discourage large groups of people from getting vaccinated against the disease. (Health officials have expressed concerns that misinformation could contribute to low adoption rates for a Covid-19 vaccine, once it is developed, which could make it more difficult to achieve herd immunity.)

“If you don’t get a broad uptake [of the vaccine], then it wouldn’t have the dramatic effect you want to have [where] the risk of reintroduction is so low that you can go back to having things like big sports events,” Gates said Thursday, according to BGR. “The misinformation could hold us back at some point, but I wouldn’t say that that’s hurting us at this stage.”

In April, Mark Suzman, chief executive of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, responded to reports on conspiracy theories circulating about Gates, saying it is “distressing that there are people spreading misinformation when we should all be looking for ways to collaborate and save lives.”

Whether you pay any mind to the conspiracies or not, it does raise eyebrows when you insist the whole global population must be vaccinated against something that has only been confirmed in a fraction of the world's population. 

There are roughly 7.6B people populating Planet Earth. 

There are roughly 18M confirmed Covid-19 cases world-wide. 

That is less than 1% of the global population being confirmed to be infected with the disease. 

Even if the true number were 10X that amount, it would still be just over 2% of the population. 

So why do we all need to be vaccinated?


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