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Rep. Ted Yoho Denies Calling AOC a “F*****g B***h” on House Floor, But AOC Slams Him Anyways


Once you ring a bell, you can't unring it.

Republican Representative Ted Yoho has been accused of calling AOC a "f*****g b***h" on the House floor.

However, Yoho calling AOC those words.

Yet, despite Yoho's denial of ever using that language against AOC, the freshman congresswoman from New York delivered a fiery speech on the House floor condemning Yoho and accusing him of sexism.

Yoho did admit that he said AOC's policies were "B.S.," but he still denies saying those curse words towards the congresswomen herself.

But that didn't stop the mainstream media from covering AOC's speech, which has now gone viral on social media.

Yoho's claims that he did NOT call AOC that derogatory term, however, have hardly been covered.

More details, including AOC's critical speech on the House floor, below:

Despite these allegations, there is no apparent recording of Yoho ever uttering these words on the House floor.

AOC accused Yoho of sexism and slammed him for allegedly using his wife and daughter as a "shield."

While AOC's speech condemning Yoho for violent language towards women went viral, there is still no evidence Yoho ever said the words.

Newsweek has more details on Representative Yoho's side of the story:

 Congressman Ted Yoho said Friday that he never called Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "disgusting," but that her policy ideas were "B.S."

Yoho referenced a verbal altercation between Ocasio-Cortez and himself that occurred Monday at the U.S. Capitol. According to Ocasio-Cortez, Yoho swore at her and called her names.

"He called me disgusting," Ocasio-Cortez said during a Thursday floor speech. "He called me crazy. He called me out of my mind."

Yoho denied Ocasio-Cortez's claims Friday on Fox News. "I wanted to ask her about this policy where she was telling people it was okay to shoplift if you were hungry," Yoho explained. "And it went backwards from there."

During Monday's verbal exchange, Yoho was talking about comments made by Ocasio-Cortez at a July event. While discussing reasons for the rising crime rate in New York, Ocasio-Cortez suggested that the closure of businesses due to the coronavirus pandemic has placed people "in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night."

"I said, 'Seriously? With as many social programs and faith-based programs and all these other—and food kitchens around—the best that you can do is to offer people in your district to go ahead and shoplift while you're calling at the same time to defund the police?" Yoho said. "I said those are just absolutely the most frickin' crazy policy ideas I've ever heard. And I said, 'Your policy ideas are just disgusting,' and I turned around and walked away."

"I walked down the steps and I said, 'This is just such frickin' B.S.,' and that's all I said," Yoho added.

Newsweek reached out to Representative Ocasio-Cortez's office for comment.

The office has yet to respond.

The incident allegedly happened on the steps of the capital between AOC and Yoho.

Coincidentally, there were no cameras or witnesses to the alleged incident...

To many political observers, 2020 has become the ultimate culture war.

While many have focused on the BLM movement and the racial reckoning surrounding it, it appears that AOC again is leaning into the so-called "war on women."

Still, the NY Post reports that Yoho denies ever saying those words to AOC:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday slammed Republican Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida from the House floor for denying he called her a “f—ing bitch” on the steps of the Capitol.

“In front of reporters, Representative Yoho called me, and I quote, a f—ing bitch,” the New York Democrat recounted for the Congressional Record.

The 30-year-old former bartender said Republicans are broadly complicit for not condemning Yoho and said it revealed a “cultural” problem of accepting verbal abuse of women.

“I have tossed men out of bars that have used language like Mr. Yoho. And I have encountered this type of harassment riding the subway in New York City. This is not new. And that is the problem,” said the congresswoman, better known by her initials, AOC.

Yoho on Monday confronted Ocasio-Cortez outside the Capitol, telling the New York Democratic socialist that she was “disgusting” for her recent remarks tying poverty and unemployment to the recent spike in crime in New York City, according to The Hill.

On Wednesday, Yoho denied using “offensive name-calling words” but said he apologized for “the abrupt manner of the conversation I had.”

Ocasio-Cortez, who represents parts of the Bronx and Queens, said she was incensed by the denial.

If reporters were present, where is the video?

Where is the audio?

We live in an age where virtually everything is recorded.

It's hard to imagine such a vile accusation being levied without evident to back it up.

Unfortunately, that seems to be a byproduct of these crazy, tumultous times.


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