In the end, the dust always settles.
And when the dust settles, truth will prevail.
Despite COVID-19 and the national unrest following George Floyd’s death, President Trump is offering a vision of American greatness, prosperity, and law & order that protects ALL Americans.
Now that the dust has settled, more Americans are approving of Trump than in recent months.
Brad Parscale revealed that Trump’s approval rating has SURGED to 48 percent, the highest it’s been in recent months.
The approval rating is from Rasmussen reports, which was one of the most reliable polling outlets in all of 2016.
More details on this breaking development below:
Love him or hate him, President Trump is a known quantity.
Because of the media scrutiny, we essentially know everything there is know about President Trump.
Joe Biden, on the other hand, has been hiding in the basement during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He has even appeared to bow down to the radical demands of the far left.
Now, the American people are seeing that Trump truly wants to put America first... and that benefits ALL Americans!
The results of the latest Rasmussen poll can be viewed here:

But that's not all.
While most polls show a wide gap between Trump and Biden with Biden in the lead, Rasmussen has tracked that Trump is dramatically closing the gap.
In just one week, Trump cut Biden's 10 point lead down to 3:
President Trump has jumped back into the race and now trails Joe Biden by just three points in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds the likely Democratic presidential nominee earning 47% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate. Four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
A week ago, in our first weekly White House Watch survey, Biden held a 10-point lead over Trump – 50% to 40%.
The new survey finds Trump with 79% of the Republican vote. Biden has the support of 76% of Democrats. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, it’s Biden 44%, Trump 38%. A week ago, Biden had a 12-point lead among independents.
Of course, this early in the election cycles, the polls are near meaningless.
What matters is the outcome on election day.
And 2020 has shown us that a LOT can change in just a few weeks, not to mention months.
Even though most polls show Trump losing, Helmut Norpoth's election model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning the electoral college.
Norpoth's model accurately predicted 25 of the last 27 presidential elections.
Still, the media appears hellbent on demoralizing Trump supporters.
They're even suggesting that Trump may lose Texas.
According to Newsweek:
A new poll out of the traditionally Republican-stronghold of Texas shows President Donald Trump trailing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by 5 points.
The polling, which was conducted by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler, showed Biden with support from 48 percent of Texas voters, while Trump was backed by just 43 percent. However, 5 percent of respondents said they were undecided while 4 percent said they'd back a different candidate.
But the results were notably different from when a similar poll was conducted by the newspaper and the university back in February. In that previous survey, Biden was supported by 47 percent of respondents while the incumbent president was backed by 46 percent. Much has changed since that poll was carried out, however, as many of the other Democratic contenders had not yet dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden.
The new polling also showed that 50 percent of Texans "disapprove" or "strongly disapprove" of the job Trump is doing; of those, 43 percent were in the "strongly disapprove" category. Just 44 percent of respondents said they "approve" or "strongly approve" of the president, while another 7 percent responded that they neither approve or disapprove.
Another recent poll in Texas carried out by Public Policy Polling and Emily's List showed Biden ahead of Trump by 2 points. In that survey, the former vice president was backed by 48 percent of Texas voters and the president was supported by only 46 percent. That polling also found that 5 percent of voters were "not sure" who they'd vote for.
In the Public Policy Polling survey, which was conducted from June 24 to June 25, about 51 percent of Texas respondents said they disapproved of the job the president was doing. Meanwhile, 46 percent said they approved while 5 percent were unsure.
Notably, the last time Texas voted for a Democrat in the presidential election was 44 years ago in 1976. The state voted to back former President Jimmy Carter over former President Gerald Ford, who served as vice president under former President Richard Nixon and finished out Nixon's term after he resigned in 1974. Since then, Texas has traditionally been seen as a reliably red state.
The polls were dead wrong in 2016.
Could we see a repeat of that in November 2020?
There's no reason why Trump can't pull off ANOTHER historic upset.
But he needs YOUR support to be able to do so!
Together, we can all make America great again... AGAIN!
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