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Cher: Trump Kills For “Adulation” At Rallies

Singer Cher just can't stop talking about Trump on her Twitter Page.


In the jungle of deranged liberal celebrities, it’s hard to really crown one king (or queen). 

There’s Jim Carrey who litters his social media feeds with a pornagraphic fixation on the President’s genitalia, or death. 

There’s also Cher. Who can’t seem to talk about anyone else:

Kills at rallies? Kids in cages? Doesn't care about Vets???

Ask the Vets kept on secret waiting lists while they slowly died which President they'd rather have fighting for them. 

I wish that were her only crazy post but...

If Biden were President we'd be watching Dr. Fauci from his basement. 

We'd be reading by candle light. We'd be unemployed and paying reparations for hundred year old crimes. 

But I digress...

You mean like the GOOGLE Nazi's building the Chinese surveilance state?

Or the Billionaire Nike child slave drivers?

Or maybe you meant the NBA Nazis who won't let their fans customize jerseys with "Free Hong Kong" slogans because it might upset Emperor Xi. 

Cher would be begging for Trump to save her from Cuomo and his nursing home gulags if she ever gets sick. 

I could go on. 

It seems Trump is all Cher thinks about. 

Cher may just be the Queen of the Jungle. 


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