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Senator Mazie Hirono: Trump’s Base Full of “White Supremacists”


Racist, white supremacist, anti-immigrant.

They’ve all becoming meaningless terms these days because liberals throw them at anyone even mildly conservative.

Take President Trump for example.

He’s been called everything under the sun by the Democrats!

Well now Senator Mazie Hirono is taking aim not at the President, but his supporters.

The Washington Examiner details how Hirono called Trump’s base of supporters “white supremacists”:

Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono painted President Trump’s base as a group of “white supremacists” while discussing racism and division in the United States.

Hirono, a Democrat, told MSNBC on Monday that she believes Trump is carrying out policies she has deemed racist because his base is “very anti-immigrant” and racist. She claimed his policies are designed to appease the “white supremacists” that got him elected.

“We now have three crises that we’re having to deal with, and it’s a pandemic, we have an economic crisis, we have police brutality and systemic racism crisis. And so what’s happening is that really covering for the president and his failures is the operating principle for his enablers. … We should be dealing with the pandemic, with the opening of schools.” Hirono said.

“You just did a perfect coverage on the concerns that everyone has about schools reopening. We should be dealing with the economic crisis. And we should be dealing with the racism that is in our country, to which the president speaks to because he has a base of supporters who are very anti-immigrant and white supremacists. That’s a lot of his base, and that’s who he speaks to, so the divisiveness continues,” she continued.

Hirono’s comments outraged many Republicans. Elizabeth Herrington, the national spokeswoman for the Republican Party, compared the remarks to the comments of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton when she called Trump’s base a “basket of deplorables.”

“Democrat senator just called 63 million Americans and counting ‘white supremacists.’ So disgusting. Smearing us as ‘irredeemable and deplorable’ just wasn’t despicable enough,” Herrington tweeted.

Honestly, this isn’t surprising coming from Hirono.

Even after Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the ridiculous impeachment debacl, Hirono said it wasn’t an actual acquittal.

Here’s the details from Fox News on her previous statement:

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, boldly claimed on Thursday that President Trump wasn’t actually acquitted because the Senate impeachment trial was “rigged.”

Despite the failure to get enough votes to convict Trump on the two articles of impeachment on Wednesday, Hirono appeared on CNN and insisted that the president was never truly acquitted.

“The Senate has clearly spoken now. The president was acquitted,” CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said.

“No, Wolf. He wasn’t acquitted. It was a rigged trial,” Hirono interrupted. “You don’t get acquited when you don’t even get to call witnesses or relevant witnesses or have the documents because the president stonewalled all efforts on behalf of the House to get the information they requested. So there you go! It was a rigged trial.”

She continued, “[Trump] can go run around saying he was acquitted, but you don’t get acquitted in a rigged trial.”

Blitzer pushed back against the senator’s claim.

“There was a roll call, guilty or not guilty, not guilty was the majority,” Blitzer told Hiromo. “And the Chief Justice of the United States announced that he was acquitted, that he was not guilty.”

“But the American public knows that it was a rigged trial, so okay, you’re found not guilty in a rigged trial. I don’t think that they think that this was all kosher. No, it wasn’t,” Hiromo shot back. “So meanwhile, you have the president crowing about it, which is totally expected and now it’s anything goes for this president and this administration.”

Hirono received a bashing on Twitter over her reckless remarks:

Watch Hirono's statement right here:


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