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President Trump: “We ONLY Kneel To Almighty God!”


If you missed President Trump's speech last night, you missed what many are calling his best speech of all time.  

I know when my phone starts blowing up with text messages like this one that it was a great speech:

If you missed President Trumps speech at Mount Rushmore last night it was great.
The whole celebration was outstanding.
244 Years today.
President Trump laid out our amazing history and facts many may not have ever heard !
Special fireworks used and thoroughly tested

I've got the whole speech for you below, but I want to show you my absolutely favorite part.

It's at about the 1:00:16 mark:

We stand tall,
We stand proud,
And we ONLY kneel to Almighty God!

You can watch the entire speech here:

If you want more, you might also really like this.

It's from Trey Smith and it's another masterpiece.

Please enjoy:


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