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Brett Favre Thinks Colin Kaepernick Will Be Hero, Like Pat Tillman

In a new interview, the Hall of Fame quarterback compares the legacy of social justice warrior Kaepernick to former NFL star killed serving in Afghanistan.


After the attacks of 9/11, defensive star Pat Tillman of the Arizona Cardinals gave up the comforts of his lucrative NFL career. 

He was sent to Afghanistan after joining the military. 

And died.

That's the same as Colin Kaepernick right?

According to Brett Favre, the answer's yes.

From ESPN:

Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre thinks Colin Kaepernick will reach a "hero status" in football similar to that of Pat Tillman.

In a video from TMZ Sports published Sunday, Favre was asked whether he thinks Kaepernick has reached the stature of a figure such as Jackie Robinson or Muhammad Ali and whether he belongs in the Hall of Fame based on his work on and off the field.

"I can only think of — right off the top of my head — Pat Tillman's another guy who did something similar, and we regard him as a hero," Favre said. "So I'd assume that hero status will be stamped with Kaepernick as well."

Tillman, a safety for the Arizona Cardinals, chose to leave the NFL for the U.S. Army in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He was killed in 2004 by friendly fire while deployed in Afghanistan.

And from CBS:

In an interview with TMZ Sports, Favre was asked if Kaepernick belongs in the NFL Pro Football Hall of Fame for his contributions to society. The former Green Bay Packers star praised the 32-year-old free agent quarterback's willingness to jeopardize his football career for a greater good.

"It's not easy for a guy his age -- black or white, Hispanic, whatever -- to stop something that you've always dreamed of doing, and put it on hold, maybe forever, for something that you believe in," Favre said.

Good question. 

Well, Brett, Colin is still alive...and rich, very rich. 

He wasn't just sacked (pun intended) from the 49'ers because he took a knee.

He didn't take a knee until he was already riding the bench.  

Kaepernick is still being paid millions from endorsements, while Pat Tillman's family is missing a son, brother, & husband that they will never get back. 

Pat served our nation in one of its darkest hours in defense of all Americans. 

And when the Anthem played, he stood. 


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