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Ilhan Omar Says It’s Time to Abolish the Minneapolis Police Department


It's official: Ilhan Omar wants to disband the Minneapolis Police Department.

Though the police exist to keep ALL Americans safe, Omar wants the police abolished.

In a stunning statement published on Twitter, Omar tweeted:

The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform.

It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis.

Thank you to @MplsWard3 for your leadership on this!

We shouldn't be surprised that the same party that wanted to abolish ICE and actively encouraged criminals to break the law now wants to disband the police.

Will Americans wake up to the dismantling of America happening before their very eyes?

No, these words are not spun or taken out of context.

Ilhan Omar was explicitly clear and transparent when she said she wanted to permanently disband the Minneapolis Police Department.

The Washington Examiner confirms Omar's extremist demands:

Rep. Ilhan Omar called for the Minneapolis Police Department to disband following the highly publicized death of George Floyd while in its custody.

“The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform,” the Minnesota Democrat tweeted Friday. “It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis. Thank you to @MplsWard3 for your leadership on this!”

Omar introduced four bills this week aimed at addressing police accountability, governmental response to police brutality, and providing funds for communities affected by police brutality.

Omar’s call for disbanding the police comes as high-profile figures across the country are starting to push for abolishing and defunding police departments as a response to the death of Floyd and police brutality in general.

Singers Lizzo and John Legend joined women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe in signing a letter this week demanding “divestment from police.”

“Every police department violating people's civil rights must be stripped of federal funding,” Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted this week in a post that was retweeted by Omar’s “Squad” colleague Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Rather than reforming our institutions, many Democrat leaders want to tear the country down and remake it in their own image.

They call Trump divisive, yet they're the ones who literally want to disband those who enforce law and order.

Now, the Republican party is fighting back.

Republican operatives are attempting to tie vulnerable Democrats to Ilhan Omar's comments.

This tactic will hopefully turn these competitive races towards Republicans, who want to restore law and order to our chaotic and violent streets.

The Hill has more details on the unfolding campaign:

Republican operatives are attempting to link vulnerable Democrats to progressive members’ calls to disband police departments and reduce their budgets as they look to flip key swing districts in November.

Top progressive lawmakers and outside groups have called for substantial changes to the structure of U.S. law enforcement after the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man in Minneapolis who died during an arrest after a police officer knelt on his neck.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) tweeted Friday: “The Minneapolis Police Department has proven themselves beyond reform. It’s time to disband them and reimagine public safety in Minneapolis."

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) also took to social media to blast New York’s police budget, tweeting: “If police budgets bought peace, the $6 billion NYPD budget would’ve bought the most sophisticated de-escalatory operation in the world. Clearly, it didn’t.”

Republicans have slammed the proposal, arguing that while bad actors like those responsible for Floyd’s death should be held accountable, they believe that defunding and disbanding the police goes too far. A number of Democrats, including Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass (D-Calif.), also said they don’t agree with calls to defund law enforcement.

"No, I don't believe that we should defund police departments," she said at a press conference on Wednesday.

While the Democratic party is not in agreement over the issue, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the House GOP's campaign arm, and outside groups like the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) are looking to seize on progressives’ comments by taking aim at those representing purple districts, many of which flipped during the midterm election cycle.

“Of all of the things these insane Democrats have tried to abolish, this may be the most dangerously insane one yet,” NRCC spokesman Chris Pack said in a statement. “What’s next, the fire department?”

While the Democratic lawmakers and candidates being targeted have not publicly weighed in on the topic, the NRCC has taken to social media and sent out numerous email blasts targeting members.

“[Rep.] Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.) is ‘honored’ to have the support of Indivisible, an extreme liberal group that wants to ‘defund the police.’ Malinowski has even gone so far to say the group is 'essential to a healthy democracy'," it sent in a mass email on Thursday.

And CLF, the main House Republican super PAC, has employed similar tactics, highlighting donations made by Omar to vulnerable members’ campaigns.

“Will Rep. Underwood stay silent about her top donor [Omar]'s support of defunding the police? Will Underwood push to defund Chicago Police as well?” the group tweeted, referring to Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.), whom Omar has supported.

Attempting to connect moderates with progressive policies has been a leading component in the GOP’s strategy in its efforts to take back control of the lower chamber.

Remember, President Trump hasn't begun campaigning in full force.

The political landscape will change dramatically during the debates, in-person mega MAGA rallies, and epic advertising campaigns.

Democrats and the media are trying to discourage conservatives.

But the silent majority will surprise them again this November!


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