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Brad Parscale Announces 20% of PA Rally Was Registered Democrats!


This is absolutely mind-blowing folks!

Trump’s online guru Brad Parscale has been Tweeting out the stats after every rally in 2020 and the numbers always blow me away.

But none more than what I just saw in Hershey, PA where he announced over 20% of attendees were Democrats!


This spells big time trouble for the Dems in 2020 if you ask me!

See it here:

Also amazing is the turnout.

An NBC News reporter said it was probably the biggest Trump Rally she's ever seen.

People stood outside in the rain all day long and during the Rally because they couldn't get in.

But they didn't go home.  

They stayed.

Look at all these amazing videos below.

Check this out:


Watch LIVE here:




Rowdy crowd:


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