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Kamala Harris Has Another Cringeworthy, Phony Moment! Laughs Uncontrollably.


Yesterday we brought you this video below.

Kamala Harris pretending like she walked into a room totally surprised and overwhelmed by all the supporters waiting to greet her.

Oh wow!

Except…..many people think:

1) They weren’t supporters as much as paid staffers

2) She wasn’t surprised in the slightest, it was 100% staged

3) They couldn’t even fill the room with more than about 20 people it looks like.

And all of those things make this video all the more hilarious (I’ve probably watched it 10 times):


Here are the two best replies I saw online, the first was comparing her to Hillary and it's dead on:

And then this one, comparing her 20 people to Trump's sea of people filling stadiums:

Well, she's back again with another cringeworthy, phony moment!

One of her consultants or staffers obviously came up with the line "Dude's gotta go" and told her she had to say it about Trump.

You can see she doesn't buy into it at all and kind of tip-toes up to the moment where she's supposed to say it.  

Even she knows how phony it is because she double-clutches a bit and says "I'm gonna get a little casual right now" because she's clearly not comfortable and that line just came out. 

I guarantee that wasn't in the script.  

That was nervous energy cause she knows how bad it's gonna bomb.

Then she dropps the line:  "Dude's gotta go" and she starts laughing really awkwardly.

It's real bad, and a lot of people said it reminded them of Hillary's fake laugh.

So it looks like 2 for 2 on impersonating Hillary's most fake and phony qualities! 

Surely a loss like Hillary is not far behind!

Anyway, take a look and try not to CRINGE:

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