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COMRADES: “A Point of Personal Privilege!” – Democratic Socialist Convention Is a MESS!


Ok folks, you’re going to think I’m making this up, but don’t worry I have the videos for you below that proves in all it’s glory that it’s real….and hilarious.  

And kinda sad.

And kinda scary.

So here’s the scoop.

The Democratic Socialist Party had their 2019 convention and it was a total mess.  

I don’t even know where to start, but here are some highlights (lowlights?):

First let’s start with the guy running it, who tells people he’d prefer they not applaud because the loud noise can scare and distract people, so they need to just do silent jazz-hands in the air if they like something.


Then we have the string of people who seemed to be having a competition about who had the weirdest problems.

Each one starts off by saying “A point of personal privilege please!” which is weird enough.  

Then they go into whatever there problem is.  

One guy has “sensory overload” so he needs everyone to please not make distractions.

One guy sounds as though he’s having a mental breakdown over the idea someone would use personal pronouns to refer to someone.

Dan Bongino Exposes Obama, Mueller and Comey: “The Biggest Scam In American History”

Then there is how they address each other as “Comrade”. 


Is that like an Orwellian joke or something?

Or are they serious?  I guess they’ve never read Animal Farm?

Ok, enough teasing you just have to watch them for yourself.



I think my favorite comment was asking whether this was a real video or a clip from South Park.

Because not even the geniuses from South Park could write something as ludicris and hilarious as this real life convention.  

What was your favorite soundbite?

On a slightly more serious note, this is what happens when you allow grievances and identity politics to overwhelm you.  You end up with a room of people trying to "out weird" each other.  

"You're not messed up, look how messed up I am!"

It's weird and downright scary.  

But also funny! 😁

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

If you laughed, show it to a friend!  

Behold folks, the Far Left!

May they never win another election.  Ever.  

FREE....while they last:


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