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James Comey Will DROP Legal Challenge to Congress’ Subpoena and Testify

Here we go!


This guy really does think he’s above the law, doesn’t he?

Doesn’t that headline just make you angry?

In what bizarro parallel universe does Comey live in?  Where he thinks he can defy a Congressional subpoena?

Can you imagine if any one of us were subpoenaed by Congress and we just decided we weren’t going to comply with it?

Yet, that’s what he’s been doing.

Until now.  

News has just broke that he’s dropped his opposition.  

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I really hope they nail this guy.

Here are more details on the initial story of Comey fighting the subpoena, from Bloomberg:

Former FBI Director James Comey has asked a U.S. court to quash House Republicans’ subpoena for his testimony, saying he wants to testify in public rather than behind closed doors.

In court papers filed late Thursday afternoon in Washington, Comey’s attorneys also asked for an order staying the closed-door congressional interview with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees that’s scheduled for Dec. 3 until the court rules.

“Today my legal team filed court papers to try to get transparency from House Republicans,” Comey said on Twitter. “Let the American people watch.”

In court papers filed late Thursday afternoon in Washington, Comey’s attorneys also asked for an order staying the closed-door congressional interview with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees that’s scheduled for Dec. 3 until the court rules.

“Today my legal team filed court papers to try to get transparency from House Republicans,” Comey said on Twitter. “Let the American people watch.”

A week earlier, Comey tweeted, “I will resist a ‘closed door’ thing because I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion.”

President Donald Trump fired Comey last year and has continued to denounce him. Some Republican lawmakers have joined Trump in contending that Comey went easy on Democrat Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while allowing anti-Trump bias in the bureau and the Justice Department to taint the early stages of the continuing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Republican lawmakers have also summoned former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to testify in a closed-door session.

What a total joke!

Yeah, there's corruption, but I think it came from your department Comey!  Donald Trump is cleaning things up!

The chutzpah of this guy is unreal!

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Finally today, he's dropping the fight.

From Washington Times:

Former FBI Director James Comey said Sunday he plans to sit down with lawmakers this week behind closed doors, asking the court to withdraw his motion to halt their subpoena.

GOP chairmen, who are about to lose power in the new Congress in January, have been trying to bring Mr. Comey to Capitol Hill to explain his decisions related to the 2016 election, particularly investigations into Hillary Clinton’s use of her personal email and the probe into Russian activities during the campaign.

He filed a motion to halt their subpoena and delay the proceedings last week, with his attorney telling a federal judge on Friday he would talk publicly, but said the closed-door session the House has planned is a set-up to “peddle a distorted, partisan political narrative about the Clinton and Russian investigations through selective leaks.”

“Grateful for a fair hearing from judge. Hard to protect my rights without being in contempt, which I don’t believe in. So will sit in the dark, but Republicans agree I’m free to talk when done and transcript released in 24 hours. This is the closest I can get to public testimony,” Mr. Comey tweeted Sunday.

The deposition is set for Tuesday.

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte anticipated Mr. Comey would withdraw his legal motion.

“The parties have been working together,” Mr. Goodlatte told Fox News. “I think that the strength of the presentation by Tom Hungar, the House counsel, on Friday in the House’s brief is very compelling.”

The federal judge who heard from the parties on Friday put off issuing a decision until Monday morning, where he was expected to continue the hearing.

But on Sunday, Mr. Comey’s lawyers petitioned the court to withdraw his earlier filing and cancel Monday’s hearing, which the judge granted.

Mr. Comey appreciates the court’s attention to the above-captioned matter, but has now reached an acceptable accommodation with U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary for voluntary testimony,” Mr. Comey’s lawyers said in court papers.

Mr. Goodlatte, who is retiring at the end of the year, told Fox News his committee needs to speak with Mr. Comey, so it can wrap up the probe into FBI actions during the 2016 election, and the use of a FISA court to conduct surveillance on Trump campaign associates.

With Democrats taking charge of the committee in January, it’s expected they would not continue pursuing the matter. But Mr. Goodlatte said he believes the incoming chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Lindsey Graham will continue to investigate what transpired during the 2016 election.

Mr. Comey’s testimony is a critical part of that,” Mr. Goodlatte said.

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