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This Was The Sign The Trump Prophet Said To Watch For!

Have you been following along?


If you’ve been following Mark Taylor (also known as the Trump Prophet and the Firefighter Prophet) then you know this was a big sign he said to watch for…

What sign you ask?

The death of the first of two ex-Presidents, George H. W. Bush.

Let me back up a bit.  

Mark Taylor rose to prominence after he accurately prophesied that Donald Trump would become President, and this was even before Trump announced he was running!

Do you remember those days?  

When Donald Trump was more famous for being on The Apprentice than for being President of the United States?

Yes, it wasn’t that long ago.

Even after he announced, many declared his candidacy would fizzle as he battled against a field of 17 Republican challengers.

Do you remember all of that?

He was not supposed to have any chance of winning.

Except he did.

And Mark Taylor was one of the first to ever say it would happen.

So now when he speaks people tend to pay attention.


Taylor publishes his prohecies on his website at so everyone can read them. 

It establishes a public record, and has thus far proven Taylor to be an accurate prophet.

One of his prophecies from January 2018 (about 11 months ago) was called The Evil Crew of 32.  

The title refers to the 5 living former presidents and their total time in office of 32 years.  In reverse order, that would be Obama, GW Bush, Clinton, HW Bush and Carter.

The prophecy says A LOT but one section stuck in the back of my mind when I first heard it back in January 2018:

The Spirit of God says, "Two will be taken and three will be shaken! For I will removetwo from the evil crew of 32 and the other three shall be shaken to the core. The 32years they have altogether served and empowered that entity called Baal, and thecovenant they had holding up his house with the illuminati and the New World order, shall come crumbling down. For when the first one is taken, it will be a sign that the New World Order shall die. When the second one is taken, it will be sign that anyone calling himself Mine but comes against my lsrael, sympathizing with her enemies, will not be tolerated. The three that will be shaken, will be a sign that no one is above the most high God, not even those that hold the highest office in the land. 

Decoding that message, the first of the two ex-Presidents to be "taken", according to Taylor, has just happened with George H. W. Bush's death.  

And what a great sign it is if Taylor is correct!  

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Here is the full prophecy if you'd like to read it:

1-16-1 8

The Evil Crew of 32

The Spirit of God says, 'Who do you think you are, you who call yourselves Christiansbut further Satan's kingdom? Woe, Woe, Woe, to you leaders who stand in the way ofmy agenda but call yourself mine. You brood of vipers! My divine judgment is being poured out on the leaders of my United States of America and my Church. You leaders, who want open borders, attack and pray against my anointed men and women, sow division and strife among the people... you hypocrites! Repent! My righteous judgmentis falling now. You who indulge in the corrupt things of this world for power and greed. You who call yourselves leaders, America's leaders, yes even my church leaders, I willnot only remove your authority and position, but some I will remove from the face of the earth, Repent! Before it's too late, for my righteous judgment is falling on those thathave mocked, deceived, and led my people astray. For many are about to find out what the Spirit of the 'Fear of the Lord', and who the one true God is."

The Spirit of God says, "Two will be taken and three will be shaken! For I will removetwo from the evil crew of 32 and the other three shall be shaken to the core. The 32 years they have altogether served and empowered that entity called Baal, and thecovenant they had holding up his house with the illuminati and the New World order, shall come crumbling down. For when the first one is taken, it will be a sign that the New World Order shall die. When the second one is taken, it will be sign that anyone calling himself Mine but comes against my lsrael, sympathizing with her enemies, will not be tolerated. The three that will be shaken, will be a sign that no one is above the most high God, not even those that hold the highest office in the land. These among many others that have tried to exalt themselves above me and my law, will be exposed and imprisoned by me for the entire world to see. Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of my throne. Yes, even the Supreme Court will be shaken. Do not fear America when you see these things manifesting, for these things must come to pass. Iwill clean up the darkness and it will usher in my light, for I have America in my hand."

The Spirit of God says, "Why are those that call themselves my people praying against my President? Why are you praying against my agenda for the United States ofAmerica? Repent! You pray against my agenda, therefore you are not for me but against me. You pray against my agenda, because you do not know your Father'sbusiness. You pray against my agenda because you do not know Me. Repent! Stop listening to Satan's frequency and tap into heavens frequency, then you will know the plans that I have for you."

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