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SHOTS FIRED: Sarah Palin Just Took Down Murkowski!


Memo to Sen. Lisa Murkowski:  that “Sen.” before your name is about to be stripped away!

After selling out your own party in the Kavanaugh vote, Republicans have had enough of your garbage and will be voting you the hell out of office come 2022 when you’re up for re-election.  

If you’re banking on us forgetting about this little stunt of yours, you can be sure that won’t happen.  Remember, we’re Elephants, we have GOOD memories!

Who will knock you out of office?

Looks like Sarah Palin just volunteered!

Go Sarah!

Heres more on the story, from the USA Today:

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a crucial Republican swing vote in Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, received a playful prodding from the former governor of Alaska on Twitter.

"I can see 2022 from my house," Sarah Palin tweeted on Friday afternoon, mentioning Murkowski. The tweet was widely viewed as a thinly-veiled threat to challenge Murkowski in her 2022 reelection campaign to the Senate.

"From my house" references a 2008 Saturday Night Live sketch mocking Palin, then John McCain's running mate. To this day, many Americans believe it was Palin that said "I can see Russia from my house" when in fact the line was delivered by Tina Fey.

Earlier this year, Palin expressed a willingness to run for public office again, according to The Hill. The publication reported that she told Fox News host Mark Levin in April that she was glad she joined the McCain ticket and would do it again "in a heartbeat."



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