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LOL: Now Democrats Are Saying Rand Paul Is A Secret Russian Agent

Democrats' Russia paranoia is getting out of hand. Now, Rand Paul is in their crosshairs as the next "secret conspirator" spy from Moscow.


Hillary Clinton supporters on Twitter have now accused the following people of secretly colluding with and/or working for Vladimir Putin:

– Donald Trump

– Bernie Sanders

– Jill Stein 

– Anyone who supports Trump, Sanders, or Stein 

…and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. 

Paul tweeted the following this morning: “Time to investigate high ranking Obama government officials who might have colluded to prevent the election of Donald Trump! This could be WORSE than Watergate!”

The Red Scare crowd took to town with several tweets straight out of Fantasy Land. (scroll down)

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However, Rand’s tweet has a basis in reality. The Obama Administration and Obama’s FBI was investigation Trump about “Russa Collusion” for months before the 2016 election.

Combine that with a year of frantic searching AFTER the election, and they still haven’t found any evidence! 

There have been Red Scares before. In the 30s, Americans worried that Russia was trying to turn the USA into a communist colony. In the 1950s through the early 80s, people worried that the USSR was going to blow us up.

But the Democrats’ current obsession – that EVERYONE who doesn’t support Hillary is on the side of Russia – has zero to do with any concern for the well-being of Americans. It has been rejected by everyone to the left or the right of Hillary…only her minions keep believing. 

The tweets: 


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