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LISTEN: John Conyers’ Son BRAGS About Dealing Cocaine…And On His Dad’s Sexual Misconduct!

If Democrat John Conyers is looking to salvage his reputation as an upstanding member of society, he's not getting much help from his stupid kid.


Journalists have uncovered rap videos in which the son of John Conyers, a disgraced Democrat who sexually harassed women and used taxpayer money to pay off an accuser, brags about dealing dangerous drugs. 

Conyers Jr. has been called his father’s “successor,” and we can see that he’s a chip off the old block. 

Besides penning disgusting rap lyrics, Conyers Jr. had also bragged on Twitter about his father’s shameless pursuit of married women. 

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Scroll down for a video, but it’s NSFW! 

More from Daily Caller:

John Conyers III., the son and appointed successor of John Conyers’ Jr., the disgraced Democratic politician who announced his resignation on Tuesday, is a former attempted rapper who bragged that his friends are drug dealers and his dad “is a f***ing player.”

The son’s brief rap career included lyrical gems such as “My n***as turn grams into grands” and “Ay f**k making a living bro, I’m trying to make history/So picture me letting the news nit-pick at me.”

The aspiring artist also rapped about some of the challenges he’s had to live through, such as when his mother, former Detroit councilwoman Monica Conyers, was sentenced to three years in jail for taking bribes, or when Conyers Jr. had to repay the U.S. Treasury for Conyers III’s misuse of a taxpayer-funded Cadillac Escalade.

Most of Conyers III’s brief rap career appears to have taken place between 2012 and 2013.

Conyers III raised eyebrows in 2010 when he described his father, who is now accused of being a sexual predator, as a “f***ing player” on Twitter.

“My dad is a f***ing player and reckless as hell! He just got at this doods wife super low-key,” the congressman’s son tweeted.

Conyers Jr. is expected to be replaced either by his son, Conyers III., or by great-nephew, state Sen. Ian Conyers, who announced he will run for the open seat.

Here’s also a link to the tweet in which Conyers Jr. brags on his Dad as a “player.” 


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