WATCH: Viral Video Perfectly Breaks Down Globalist, Digital ID New World Order Agenda
Some videos or clips I come across are too good not to share. Last night, I found this masterful two-minute video on Twitter that surfaced...
Some videos or clips I come across are too good not to share. Last night, I found this masterful two-minute video on Twitter that surfaced...
Late last night, I came across this astonishing letter from an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer placed on unpaid leave in Canada. The officer...
Every time a state does an audit of the 2020 election, democrats are quick to claim that nothing was found. That’s because they hope you’ll...
Something big is happening in the United States. Conservative states are gaining population while liberals states are shrinking in population. Texas, Florida, and Arizona are...
Across the country, leaders and politicians have been reduced into making threats to Americans who refuse to get the experimental COVID injection. At the top...
It was only a matter of time before Kamala Harris ran out of creative excuses for why she is an utter failure in her role...
As should be common knowledge by now, as a virus mutates, it becomes more contagious but less deadly. This appears to be the case for...
Anderson High School students and staff have endured a traumatic week with the passing of two of its students. 17-year-old senior Brock Vogel, an athlete...
Remember when micro-chipping was a crazy conspiracy theory? If you mentioned the possibility of anyone planting a chip inside you, it would earn you the...
Business Insider has launched a brand new series of articles and reports called “Conflicted Congress” which reveal the ABSOLUTELY STUNNING AMOUNT of ethical violations and...