Aunt Jemima To Be Re-branded Amid Racial Unrest
In an attempt to rid America of racism, Aunt Jemima has officially been cancelled.
In an attempt to rid America of racism, Aunt Jemima has officially been cancelled.
Don Lemon once again takes the opportunity to stereotype all Americans.
During the third night of violent protests and riots in Minneapolis, CNN reporter Omar Jimenez and his crew were arrested on LIVE television! Jimenez and...
The media is in total meltdown mode. Seriously. You can tell by the hysterical coverage they're giving Trump and the COVID-19 briefings. But even as...
Just in case you decide to tune out for the Super Bowl (I haven’t watched a single game all year), I didn’t want you to...
Ivanka Trump kicked Jim Acosta’s massive ego down a peg or two earlier today in Davos, Switzerland, where Acosta rudely chased her down asking her...
It’s been a bad week, bad month, bad year for CNN, hasn’t it? Wow. First was their settlement for an alleged but unconfirmed 8-figure settlement...
In a new interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, singer Linda Ronstadt took a leap in comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler. She said of Trump...
When CNN profiled Border Hispanics for Trump – a pro-Trump group of Hispanics near the border who want to help Trump capture the Latino vote...
A new CNN poll conducted this past week shows that support for impeachment has dropped and opposition to the impeachment attempt against Trump has risen...