The media is in total meltdown mode.
You can tell by the hysterical coverage they're giving Trump and the COVID-19 briefings.
But even as the national press dogpiles on the president, Trump has hit his highest approval rating according to a new CNN poll released on Tuesday.
According to CNN, 45 percent of Americans approve of Donald Trump's performance as president.
This is tied with his all-time record that was set in 2017 shortly after he was inaugurated president.
Despite the good news for Trump, what was the headline that CNN decided to run with?
"A poll number that should scare President Trump."
We can't make this up!
See for yourself below:

In the middle of the article, CNN acknowledges that Trump tied his highest approval rating ever.
But again... that's in the middle of the article.
It's not the headline.
They purposefully tried to bury the good news about President Trump, writing:
While his GOP allies will note, rightly, that his overall job approval number -- 45% -- is the highest it has ever been in a CNN poll (by a single point), the level of distrust toward Trump on coronavirus is the sort of thing that you simply can't ignore.
They really are willing to spin anything...
Part of the reason the public distrusts President Trump on coronavirus is because many in the media refuse to air the briefings live.
During the first weeks of the daily pressers, the media aired the entire briefing.
But as President Trump's approval numbers began to rise, the media decided to refuse showing the briefings.
Instead, they show viewers their cherry-picked highlights afterwards, which allows each news network to put their own filter and spin on what happened during the briefing.
Breitbart confirms the strong poll numbers that have been gaining momentum for NINE months:
Trump’s approval ratings in the CNN poll have steadily ticked up since he registered a 39 percent approval rating in September 2019.
Americans are slightly more critical of the president’s handling of the coronavirus.
Forty-two percent of Americans approved of the president’s handling of the coronavirus, while 55 percent disapproved.
A majority of Republicans, 71 percent, believe that the worst of the virus is behind us, while 74 percent of Democrats believe that the worst is yet to come.
The poll was taken of 1,112 adults with a margin of sampling error of the poll at +/- 3.7 points with a 95 percent confidence level.
Thirty-four percent described themselves as Democrats, 26 percent described themselves as Republicans, and 40 percent described themselves as independents or members of another party.
There is a reason that President Trump calls CNN fake news!
And this is yet another prime example: they are trying to twist and manipulate something as straightforward as a poll.
Perhaps instead of attempting to twist the poll numbers, CNN should tell its viewers that Trump has tied his highest approval rating with the network... EVER.
And this is DURING an international pandemic when the mainstream media and virtually every Democratic politician is attempting to undermine him.
Here's what CNN's Christ Cillizza had to say:
More than 6 in 10 Americans do not trust the information about the coronavirus that they get from President Donald Trump, according to a new CNN national poll.
That's an absolutely remarkable finding that speaks not just to Trump's trust deficit in dealing with this global pandemic but the broader impact of his assault on truth during his first 3+ years in office.(Trump had said more than 18,000 false or misleading things during his first 1,170 days in office -- an average of 15 claims a day -- according to The Washington Post.)
A significant majority of Americans -- including 94% of Democrats, 66% of independents and even 14% of Republicans -- do not believe that the leader of the country is shooting them straight on the central issue facing the country and the world, which has to be concerning for the President and his team.
Despite unfavorable coverage from the media, President Trump has been able to speak straight to the people through his daily pressers.
He has also utilized social media in a way that no other politician before him has.
Fortunately, new media exists and is willing to call out the old guard when they refuse to do their jobs.
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