We’ve been exposing the Federal Reserve for a LONG time here at WLT.
In case you don’t know, the “Federal Reserve” is our nation’s central bank.
Also in case you don’t know, our country survived for 150 years just fine WITHOUT a central bank.
We never wanted one.
They tried to put one in place three times and each time it failed until these monsters killed a bunch of bankers on the Titanic (true story, look it up), then ran off to Jekyll Island to draft the legislation, then pushed in through Congress on Christmas Eve when no one was there.
All true stories, look it up.
Oh also, the Federal Reserve Bank is 1️⃣ not “federal” (it’s privately owned by the Rothschilds and their ilk), 2️⃣ it has no “reserves” — it just prints money out of thin air and then charges it to the United States at 2% interest, and 3️⃣ it is not a actually a bank.
It’s that last part I want to talk to you about.
So the “Fed” has always been massively corrupt and the biggest ponzi scheme ever.
Who else gets to “print” money out of thin air and then loan it to the USA at 2% interest?
What a racket!
That’s how it has worked since 1913.
The “Fed” doesn’t actually do any banking it just gets to print the money and collect interest.
Now they want to go in for the final kill shot.
Now they want to eliminate all the pesky banks in the middle and they want YOU banking directly at the Fed.
Gee, what could go wrong?
Glenn Beck explains in the clip below and he does it in hilarious fashion!
Glenn really gets me laughing and this is another good one.
But basically now imagine if you post something online that the “Fed” doesn’t like.
Remember Facebook jail?
Well, it’s like that but with your money!
No shopping for you for 24 hours.
Next offense: money shut off for 30 days!
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with this system, right?
Watch this:
And before you go, I have three related posts you may want to check out.
Here is a young Glenn Beck totally exposing the Federal Reserve:
Here is the funniest Glenn Beck clip ever in my opinion:
And if you want to get OUT of this corrupt system, I have the solution for you.
You need to read this and take action right away:
Here’s Why Central Banks Are Buying All the Gold They Can — And What YOU Can Do!
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