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Middle Schoolers Asked About Oral Sex Experiences


It seems like every day I read a headline about another pornographic book found in school classrooms.

Across the nation, school libraries are lining the shelves with completely inappropriate books.

But apparently, that’s not enough for these perverts!

A Boston middle school administered surveys to students asking questions about their experience with oral sex!

According to Fox News, the school did not tell parents ahead of time about the sexual nature of the survey questions.

This survey was given to sixth and seventh graders with kids as young as 10 included.

It also asked about sexual habits and orientation.

Fox reported on the survey,

According to a copy of the survey, one question defined oral sex and asked students if they had ever engaged in it. Some questions inquired about students’ sexual orientation, their frequency of sexual activity, and whether they considered themselves transgender.

First of all, why does ANYONE other than perhaps a concerned parent need to ask a child about this?

Second, why does the Left insist on stripping our kids of their innocence by shoving crap like this in front of them?

Let our kids be kids!

The fact that the survey explains what oral sex is should be enough to tell you the question is not age-appropriate.

If my sixth grader doesn’t know what oral sex is, it’s absolutely NOT a school’s place to explain it to her!

And many parents feel the same way.

Fox News shared more:

Deirdre Hall, the parent of a sixth grader who spoke to the Free Beacon, said she found the survey “entirely inappropriate,” and learned of it when her daughter came home talking about a “really weird survey” she was given during her history class.

“She said half her class didn’t even know what any of this stuff meant,” Hall told the outlet. “Now they’re coming home and asking their parents and their friends, ‘What’s oral sex?'”

Another parent was outraged that no parental consent was required for the survey.

After all, students can’t attend field trips without a parent’s signature.

The whole thing stinks of GROOMING practices!

The survey, which you can check out here, also asks children about suicidal thoughts and attempts as well as using laxatives and forced vomiting to lose weight.

Talk about filling a kid’s head full of ideas!

For some kids, these thoughts may already be bouncing around in their heads – but not for all.

What are these people trying to do to our kids?

I think it’s pretty obvious … And it’s SICK!

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, considering all the smut these so-called “educators” want to give our kids to read!


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