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First Major Trump 2024 Campaign Rally ANNOUNCED!!


Despite being proven right on literally everything, President Trump is in the hot seat, he just can’t seem to catch a break.

The 45th President of the United States is facing increased legal pressure from New York, as fears continue to mount that a Trump indictment and potential arrest are both imminent. …

However, he isn’t letting that bad news hold him down.

President Trump recently announced his first, major rally for the Trump 2024 Presidential campaign.

The rally will take place in Waco, Texas on Saturday, March 25th—we will update you with links on where and when to watch as they become available.

MAGA country responded to the announcement with much fanfare:

Newsmax explained:

Trump spent the first months of his campaign mostly confined to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, but has begun to make visits to early-voting states.

On Monday, he took his first trip to Iowa, which will hold the Republican Party’s first nominating contest.


NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

According to Fox News, President Trump’s legal troubles seem to be reaching a crescendo:

The Manhattan District Attorney’s office has asked for a meeting with law enforcement ahead of a possible indictment of former President Donald Trump next week, according to a court source.

According to the source, the meeting was requested Thursday and hasn’t been set.

The meeting is to “discuss logistics for some time next week, which would mean that they are anticipating an indictment next week,” the source familiar with the planning said.


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