This is Part 2 of a series from our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman.
I meant to bring it to you on Sunday like normal, but I got behind.
So I’m bringing it to you today because it’s too good to miss.
Hello everyone.
Here is my Sunday message.
It is called, “Ongoing Revival in the End of Days.”
We wilk continue you today on speaking about how the Spirit of the Lord is bringing Revival not only to America, but to every nation of the world.
We are living in such an exciting and miraculous time.
But, it will not come without prayer.
Every past Revival was brought about by diligent prayer and the Body of Christ by crying out to the Lord in earnest expectation.
Are you praying and praying asking the Lord of the harvest for Revival?
Are you hungry and longing for God to change the lives of those who aren’t yet saved?
Well my friends, now is the time to start.
Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA.
And here is Part 1 if you missed it last week…
Prepare: “Revival Comes!”
Happy Sunday friends!
I’ve got a big one for you today.
My friend Pastor Robb isn’t prone to hyperbole much, but even he says today’s message is a “whopper”!
So buckle up and get excited because today we’re talking about Revival.
It’s coming but already here…
From Pastor Robb:
Today’s livestream message is titled, “Prepare; Revival Comes.”
Real Revival is breaking out everywhere.
The Lord has had me praying for Revival constantly for the last 5 or 6 weeks now.
It’s been like a fire in my belly everyday.
I pray that the Lord will ignite a supernatural desire in you as you listen to today’s message.
It’s a real humdinger for sure.
We’re in for an exciting and miraculous time very soon.
God bless you as you listen today.
Pastor Robb Goodman Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA.
Please enjoy:
And speaking of Revival, in case you somehow missed it, here’s a glimpse of what happened in Asbury College recently…
Revival Is Spreading Beyond Asbury College!
Last week revival broke out as Asbury College….and never stopped!
More info on that below.
But now it’s spreading across the country.
Check out Samford in Alabama from last night:
The revival is spreading.
This video was taken at Samford university in Alabama.
Young kids are standing up for God!
So incredibly beautiful!
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) February 17, 2023
So awesome!
Sound up!
Love this testimony:
Gen Z is on fire for God! Check out this powerful message from a college student who traveled to the #AsburyRevival.
"This is revival. It isn't hype. It's ordinary people crying out for a move of God in our generation…and it's about to spread to the nations."
— Caleb Parke (@calebparke) February 15, 2023
Do you know your history?
In 1970 God moved in the chapel services @Asbury College & it swept across the nation. On Wednesday of this week the Holy Spirit moved @ashburycollege again & now other university campuses are reporting the winds of repentance & revival. Pray Beloved! Pray! #sendthewindsLord!
— Jeff LaBorg (@pastorjtl) February 10, 2023
A revival has broken out at a Christian College, Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, and what started out as a scheduled prayer meeting has now extended for more than a week.
— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) February 18, 2023
From Max Lucado:
Are We Seeing Revival?
Like many of you, I’m thrilled with the news of revival fires. What began at Asbury College in the last few days seems to be sparking renewal around the country.
Full video:— Max Lucado (@MaxLucado) February 17, 2023
Now includes 21 colleges!
THE FIRE IS SPREADING. Reports say students from more than 21 colleges have now arrived at Asbury University in Kentucky for revival services. Just imagine what will happen if this spreads nationwide.
— Lee Grady (@LeeGrady) February 12, 2023
God is moving in Kentucky and across college campuses. Gen Z is realizing that God is deserving of their attention, not TikTok. Hallelujah. Praise God! May the flame of revival spread like wildfire.
Revival started at Asbury College on Wednesday morning…AND HAS NOT STOPPED.— Scot Cunningham (@CunninghamScot) February 12, 2023
Hearts on fire:
Hearts on fire for God at Asbury University in Kentucky! Revival that has been going on for about a week . Other colleges are following in their footsteps with love and joyful praise! ❤️🙏#SoliDeoGloria
— VeBee🇺🇸✝️ (@VeBo1991) February 15, 2023
Azuza 2.0? Asbury Revival Is On Day Five!
I just said it last night and I’ll say it again right now…
You are LIVING through history and it’s an incredible time to be alive!
Most don’t even realize it.
Many have heard of the Azuza Street Revival from decades ago….
What you may not realize is that a new Azuza is happening right now.
And even Tucker Carlson just covered it tonight!
Take a look:
ASBURY REVIVAL! #Asbury #Revival
Tucker just covered the Asbury revival! He interviewed Alison – the student body president of Asbury.
"What's been happening here since Wednesday is, there is a young army of believers who are rising to claim Christianity the faith as…— (@DailyNoahNews) February 16, 2023
It’s on Day 5 and it’s not stopping….
It started with a normal Worship Service that just never ended.
And now it looks like this:
Day #5 of Revival at Asbury. There are now people here from states hundreds of miles away and it is amazing to see that God is not only working here but all around. Let’s pray for a Great Awakening in all nations! #REVIVAL #asburyrevival
— Jacob Smith (@chappyj05) February 12, 2023
More here:
Tucker covers Christian "revival" services sweeping Asbury University: "It's becoming harder and harder to explain a lot of the things we're seeing in political terms. Some of it's just evil. The good news is a lot of people are becoming much more interested in spiritual life."
— American Firebrand (@AmFirebrand) February 16, 2023
Look at this!
Revival is our ONLY hope….YES!
Revival is the ONLY HOPE for America.
Let this sovereign move of God from #asburyrevival spread to campuses all across America. 🇺🇸🙏🏽#RevivalOrBust #LetUsWorship
— Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) February 13, 2023
More here:
At Asbury University in Wilmore KY, a prayer meeting has been going on nonstop since Wednesday, 24hrs a day.
A revival is coming. God has not left us.
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) February 13, 2023
Truly incredible:
Jesus is alive and at work. 101 hours and counting of revival at Asbury University. Praise the lord. #asburyrevival2023
— @amuse (@amuse) February 14, 2023
Here is more history:
Five days ago at Asbury University, what started out as just a normal chapel erupted into a spontaneous revival.
God is on the move across America and we are hungry for a fresh move of God! 🙌🏼🔥
“As long as we are content to live without revival, we will.” – Leonard Ravenhill
— The Victory Channel (@GoVictoryTV) February 15, 2023
This is the Bible verse they are claiming and rallying behind:
The Asbury student body president was just on Tucker and said this verse is the theme for what’s going on. Umm 😬 need to keep reading, sweetie.
(And yes, I’ve been young and eisegetic before. Doesn’t mean it’s not a revival. Doesn’t mean it is. Don’t @ me.)
— Camille Warren (@camillecwarren) February 16, 2023
People are now driving in from all over:
Drove to Kentucky last night to experience the Lord working at the #asburyrevival 🙌
— Ben Davis (@Ben_Dav1s) February 13, 2023
How amazing is this?
Speaking of revival, have you seen this?
Do you know this story?
REVEALED: Donald Trump’s Revival Bible!
Sometimes there is a lot of “doom and gloom” to cover…
And that’s just the way it is.
I don’t make the news, I just report on it.
But whenever I can, I look for the stories that will brighten your day, bring a smile to your face, and remind you that God is Good….always!
Never forget that.
It seems President Trump never forgot that either.
This is a flashback to 2015, but what a wonderful trip down memory lane it is!
Here is President Trump showing off his personal Bible, with handwritten notes inside from his mother.
Enjoy this short clip:
Donald Trump's #Bible @realDonaldTrump #DonaldTrump #RevivalBible
— (@DailyNoahNews) December 8, 2022
And I can’t post that without showing you “….the REST of the story…” as Paul Harvey would say!
The Untold Story of Donald Trump’s Revival Bible
I thought it was really important right now to focus on so many of the things you may have forgotten about Donald Trump and his history…
Because I guarantee you this stuff matters more than you know!
I absolutely love this story!
It’s the story of Donald Trump’s Bible.
Or maybe more accurately, Donald Trump’s mother’s Bible.
It’s only 5 minutes but it’s an INCREDIBLE story.
Here’s what Bethel’s Danny Silk had to say about it:
Is God up to something?
The God of eternity puts things into action generations before we see them. He is always working all things together for our good regardless of what we think is happening. Nothing catches Him by surprise.
This video can open up your understanding. God can open up your heart to see. If you will step out of the current narrative and ask God to show you what He is doing, I think you will find a new way to see even 2020.
Ok now please watch and enjoy.
Most everyone I know has to watch it twice.
You think you know where it’s going, but then it has twists and turns and you need to really watch it twice to understand the full story.
From Rumble:
So….is the story true?
I don’t know.
I wasn’t there, were you?
From Rumble:
And DO NOT forget these moments…
I do not recall ANY other President giving Glory and Honor and Praise to Jesus Christ, do you?
Oh plenty talk about “God” but the secret is they mean something very different than you or I do when we say that.
And that’s why they NEVER praise Jesus.
But Trump does.
President Trump Gives All Honor and Praise To Jesus Christ [TWICE Now]
I just saw this shared by our good friends over at il Donaldo Trumpo…you guys are awesome!
And after seeing this posted by them, I realized I had to share it with you.
Because here’s something I hear quite a bit…
I hear people saying: “I like Donald Trump’s policies, I just don’t agree with his tone or the way he says things.”
And my response is always two-fold:
(1) without a tone that cuts through the filter of the MSM, Donald Trump would never have beat 17 Republican challengers and dethroned the house of Bush, the house of Clinton and now the house of Cheney.
So I have no problem with his “tone” whatsoever.
In fact, I think we need more people who speak honestly and speak truth to power, not just whisper lies that your ears want to hear but then have no intention of actually doing them.
When people say they don’t like his “tone”, all I hear is: “we love being lied to by politicians because they speak so sweetly with forked tongues and it makes us feel so good and then we forget that everything they’ve ever said turns out to be a lie.”
Sorry folks, I’ll take the “mean tone” together with TRUTH all day long.
That’s (1).
(2) I always wonder, have you ever actually listed to Donald Trump? Ever actually listened to a full rally? Ever listened to a full interview?
Because for those of that have, we continually see a man who has a tough exterior when he needs to be tough, but deep down truly a heart of gold.
Truly a “gentle giant”.
And there is no better example of this than the recent clip shared by il Donaldo.
Watch as President Trump says “our country needs a savior…and it has one”.
Now, everyone in the room is expecting “arrogant Trump” to say it’s him.
But that’s not what he says at all.
He says very clearly that it’s someone “much higher up than him.”
So good.
Watch on Rumble:
Think that was a one-off?
Just saying that because he was in church?
Think again.
Here is yet another clip of President Trump giving all honor and credit to “the Boss…..Jesus Christ!”
Joe Biden has “10% for the Big Guy”.
President Trump says “we still need help from The Boss!”
Watch here on Rumble:
And there’s always one guy who ruins the party right?
The Poindexter.
The Dork.
Well, today the Dork Award goes to “NotSorry” who posted this:
Yeah bud, that was a 12 second clip.
For the full 2 minute clip, you’ll see he says exactly that: all honor goes to Jesus Christ!
And then he says while laughing: “and it’s not even close!”
You gotta love it.
You just gotta love that big smile!!!
Watch the FULL clip here on Rumble:
Don’t you miss this?
I know I do!
Mr. Trump, it’s time to come back!
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