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Pelosi Praises George W. Bush In New Speech


Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi praised George W. Bush in a recent event that celebrated Bush’s  President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief.

Pelosi stated, “The Bush family it’s because of their humanity, their faith, their generosity of spirit, their compassion.”

The lawmaker from California would continue “Once again, it’s an honor to be associated with President George W. Bush in this.”

Watch Pelosi here:

The Dallas Morning News had these details to report:

Two decades ago, President George W. Bush exhorted Congress to fund a new effort to address HIV in Africa. The disease was a scourge afflicting one-third of adults in the hardest-hit countries.

“Seldom has history offered a greater opportunity to do so much for so many,” he said.

Some $100 billion later, PEPFAR has saved 25 million lives and led to 5.5 million babies being born HIV-free through efforts in more than 50 countries — the most successful public health initiative in history by a single country, as the likes of Bono and Bill Gates attested Friday.

“I’m here to remind people that American taxpayers’ money is making a huge difference, a measurable difference,” Bush said on a rare trip from Dallas to Washington to mark 20 years since creation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. “If the results don’t impress you, then nothing will impress you.”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, one of many lawmakers from both parties who helped to hatch and nurture the effort, lauded Bush for recognizing the need to tackle AIDS internationally to defeat it at home — and for not naming it for himself.

Calling it the “president’s” plan put the onus on successors to pick up the mantle, she said, and in fact three more presidents from both parties did.



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