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Joe Biden In 1974 Caught On Camera: “Don’t Assume I’m Not Corrupt!”


I guess we just found the one time Joe Biden told the truth.

And much like his lies, it’s a “whopper”!

I’ll just let you listen for yourself, it’s very short:

Don’t assume I’m not corrupt.  Inherent in the system is corruption!

Watch here:

Backup here:

Longer clip with context:


Seems like a good time to remind you of this one too…

EXPOSED IN 90 SECONDS: Biden, Ukraine, Crypto and Pedos….All Connected?

I don’t like to use hyperbole too often because then you become the boy who cried wolf and people don’t listen to you as much.

So I’m careful with headlines like this, and I wrote this one intentionally because I believe it is true.

Folks, this is the big one, and it may just be the thing that ends up taking down not only Joe Biden but the entire crooked Democrat party.

Let me explain…

You’ve probably heard about a company called FTX recently and its “founder” Sam Bankman-Fried, who goes by “SBF”.

If you’ve found the story confusing or too hard to follow, let me explain it really simply, because it is simple.

SBF appears to be a Government spook (or “Useful Idiot”, we’re not sure which yet).

But what is clear is the guy is mostly a complete bumbling idiot, and yet somehow rose to control billions, running one of the largest crypto exchanges out there.

Remember those Super Bowl ads with Tom Brady and Larry David?

That was FTX.

It rose up out of almost nowhere to suddenly be this behemoth.

What we’re now learning is the whole thing was perhaps a full ponzi, perhaps just a fraud, perhaps just a total fake, but definitely it was not a real mega-company.

So last week, FTX suddenly shocks everyone and goes bankrupt with no warning.

The crypto market tanked, huge crash.

Bo Polny actually predicted the entire thing, more on that below…

But now as we’re putting together the pieces and digging through the wreckage, we’re learning this might have actually been the biggest money laundering operation of all time.

Remember all those BILLIONS upon BILLIONS that were going to Ukraine?

What if they were being laundered?

I mean, we all suspected it all along, right?

We just didn’t know how the con worked.

Now we’re learning, or at least we’re starting to connect the dots.

We’re still in the early stages here and I want to be clear we’re still seeing in a room dimly lit, so this is still speculation at this point, but the puzzle pieces are all starting to fit together.

Here’s basically how it went…

The U.S. takes billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars and funnels those over to Ukraine.

Ukraine then puts those billions into FTX (remember, it appears to not be a real company, more like a government plant).

FTX is owned by Sam Bankman-Fried.

SBF then takes the billions and donates them back to the Democrat party.

This part is not speculation: SBF was the #2 largest donor to the Democrats right behind George Soros.

The Democrat party then funnels the money to people like Joe Biden (10% for the Big Guy!) and uses it to buy seats, errrrrrrrr, I mean run elections, in all states at all levels.

End results?

Key Democrats end up with millions…

Races are stolen, errrrrrrrr “won”…

And Americans are SREWED.

If this all ends up being true or even partially true, I just have one question: Is this treason?

For all the visual learners out there, Kim Dotcom explains it very simply like this:

Think it’s just a kooky conspiracy theory by Noah?

Think again.

Here is Elon Musk exposing it:

More from Elon here:

Poso is on it too:

Everyone is waking up and connecting the dots:

More from Poso:

Money Laundering 101 it looks like:

Here is the Daily Caller:

Sam Bankman-Fried, prolific Democratic donor and ex-CEO of now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX, funded the campaigns of members of Congress overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), one of the key bodies tasked with regulating the crypto industry and the subject of Bankman-Fried’s aggressive lobbying.

Bankman-Fried’s FTX is currently under investigation by the CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after Bankman-Fried allegedly moved $10 billion in client assets from his crypto exchange to his trading firm Alameda Research, and a liquidity crisis at his  exchange which prompted the company to file for bankruptcy. However, prior to the agency’s probe, Bankman-Fried aggressively courted the CFTC – and funded several key lawmakers charged with overseeing the agency, pouring cash into their campaign coffers.

Here is InfoWars:

The spectacular meltdown of the FTX crypto exchange has revealed it to be nothing more than a slush fund for Democrat candidates.

Sam Bankman-Fried stepped down as FTX CEO on Friday after it was announced his exchange had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the face of a multi-billion dollar liquidity crunch.

On midterm election day, Bankman-Fried managed to lose nearly 94% of his estimated $15.6 billion fortune.

The U.S. branch of FTX is now valued at $1, down from a peak of $8 billion in January. Bankman-Fried is now also under investigation by both the Department of Justice and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Prior to the midterms, Bankman-Fried was touted by POLITICO as the Democrats’ “newest megadonor” and “potential Democrat savior” second only to billionaire globalist George Soros.

“We’ve never seen something like this on this scale,” said Bradley Beychok, co-founder of American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic super PAC. “On our side, there’s a small pool of people who write these kinds of checks and they tend to be the same folks. But Sam, to his credit, came right in with a big splash.”

In fact, Bankman-Fried spent almost $40 million on Democrat candidates this year.

From Fortune:

The 30-year-old Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle, according to Open Secrets, with donations totaling $39.8 million. That ranks only behind George Soros (about $128 million) but ahead of many other big names, including Michael Bloomberg ($28.3 million). What’s more, he had promised to spend far more on Democrats moving forward, predicting in May that he’d fund “north of $100 million” and had a “soft ceiling” of $1 billion for the 2024 elections. 

He also donated $10 million to then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020.

A YouTuber named “Nobody Special Finance” succinctly explained the FTX “Ponzi scheme” that led to its collapse this week.

“The truth is, Sam Bankman-Fried is a liar and a crook,” said Nobody Special. “His personal crypto, FTX Token, was basically a Ponzi scheme … He used his Ponzi token as collateral to borrow billions of real dollars that he couldn’t pay back … He then used those real dollars to build an empire out of dying companies.”

“[Sam Bankman-Fried] then sold people cryptos like Bitcoin, or so they thought. What they really bought was an IOU.”

In essence, Bankman-Fried used his corrupt earnings to finance the Democrats’ midterm races to head off a “Red Wave.”

Now that FTX has imploded, Democrats are saving face by renewing calls for the crypto space to be heavily regulated.

The adults in the room knew SBF was a fraud:

Biden, Ukraine, Crypto and Pedos….

All connected?

Watch here, it’s all explained in 90 seconds:

This video is awesome:

So….what do you think?

Does this take down Joe Biden?

Oh, and one more thing…

We’ve been telling you about the plan to install Trump as Speaker of the House, and some have said the plan won’t work because you need a Super Majority in the Senate to remove Biden and Harris…

True, but I’m banking on a scandal erupting so big that even most Democrats will vote them out!

And that scandal is now developing before your very eyes folks!


Back to the stock market crash, Bo Polny predicted the whole thing and told us 3 weeks in advance.

Details here:

Bo Polny Predicted The Bitcoin Crash TO THE DAY, Here’s What Comes Next…

I had Bo Polny back on my show today and we talked a LOT about crypto…

If you’ve been following the crypto markets or even just the news in general, you know crypto had an ugly week.

Huge crash…

Big players and exchanges going bankrupt over night!

In fact, I’m working on a big story right now that is set to expose and explain exactly how we may have just uncovered the biggest money laundering operation of all time…

And it may just be the thing that brings down Joe Biden and the entire evil regime.

Yes, it’s that big.

Here’s a sneak-peak:

But here’s the deal…

Bo Polny predicted the EXACT DAY of the crash with perfection!

He told his Newsletter subscribers back in October this was coming.

I couldn’t post about it ahead of time out of respect for the people that subscribe to his Newsletter, but now that it happened and he was right to the very day, I had to have him back on my show to break it all down.

We had a blast, and yes we also talked about September 24, October 24 and November 24.

You might be surprised to learn some of the details!

We also talked about Switzerland, the Egyptian Sphinx on top of Europe, gold and silver and a lot more!

Oh and of course Donald Trump!

This is so good and I’m excited for you to hear it.

Watch safely here on Rumble:

Backup here on YouTube:

👉 Download Bo’s slides for free:

👉 If you want Bo’s trading Newsletter, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)

💥 For access to the Easy Crypto School, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)

The discounts are only good for a short time, so grab them if you want now.

The entire history of the Newsletter is available to you when you sign up, which is something I love.

You can go back and read and see exactly how accurate Bo has been:

And then for anyone who wants to get started but is scared to do it wrong or doesn’t know how, this is for you.

A trusted guide, from a trusted friend.

There’s a lot of bad stuff out there, but I’m always happy to send people to Bo’s Easy Crypto School:



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