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Pompeo: Next 9/11 Coming From Mexico


Human trafficking, drugs, violent criminals, gangs and the strain on our economy have all been consequences our nation is facing due to the unsecured Mexican border.

Now there is talk of something far larger and more destructive.

Something that could take thousands if not millions of people’s lives in one event.

The next 9/11 could be carried out by terrorists coming through Mexico.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fears that the next “Nueve-Once event” will come from terrorists organizing in the destabilized regions of Mexico.

In his new book “Never Give an Inch”, Pompeo stated:

“My assessment is that Mexico as a safe haven and launching point for terror operations in the United States is a serious possibility within the next ten years.”

Those ungoverned spaces are being run by Mexican drug cartels who “impose their gangland rule without government interference”.

And those areas are incredibly close to the southern border.

The threat causes even more alarm as there is know ties between the cartels and jihadists.

Pompeo wrote:

“Mexican drug lords could invite their terrorist friends to crash at their houses if counterterrorism pressure in Afghanistan, Syria or Yemen becomes too much,”

Federal authorities are facing record numbers of migrants seeking entry at the southern border.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) stopped migrants over 250,000 times along the Mexican border in December 2022 alone!

That’s up 40% from Dec. 2021 and an all-time high for a single month!

Migrants are already a top concern on the U.S. governments terrorist watch list.

Southern border agents have stopped individuals on the watchlist 38 times since October 2022.

A significant rise from the 11 encounters with possible terrorists from 2017 to 2020.

At this pace encounters with migrants having  terrorist ties will surpass 150 by the end of this fiscal year.

Well above the 98 stops made last year.

The rates have been increasing dramatically since Biden took office.

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Continuing the trend, illegal gang members caught crossing the border increased to 751 last year.

That is the the highest total recorded number since 2019 which saw nearly 1,000 gang-related stops.

Just in 2023 the border agents have arrested 146 gang members, more than a third of whom were in the notoriously violent MS-13.

Jonathan Lines, supervisor for District 2 in Yuma County, Arizona commented:

“The lack of willigness of this administration to surge at the border, shut it down and deny illegal entry is something that needs to be addressed.”

At this rate Biden and his administration could very well be responsible for the next terrorist event and it’s magnitude could even surpass the attacks of 9/11.


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