This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.
This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.
This is a repost. Many have contacted me about their abuse over the last several months. My main objective in posting this again is to give you an idea of how systematic SRA(satanic ritual abuse) is. Some of these anonymous testimonies could bring light to some things that are happening in your community. Please reach out if you want to share your story(even anonymously). Your accounts help many around the world going through the same type of abuse.
Today I will be sharing the experiences of those who were victims of this satanic ritual abuse. I’ve come across many testimonials of survivors wanting to share their stories. I’ve also had people come to me and tell me anonymously what they’ve had to go through. I always feel a sense of love and compassion for these individuals. I don’t know what they are exactly going through but I know it’s really hard! I hope and pray daily that victims worldwide will be not only saved from this hell but healed of it as well. I share this only to make you aware of what is happening in secret all across the world today. I also pray that this will help survivors feel a sense of hope that they are not alone and that several others go through the same exact things.
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Terms to know:
SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse
RAT = Ritual Abuse Torture
Anonymous Accounts:
“I was abused in Union Springs, Alabama, Bessemer, Al. and all over the country. I grew up in a multigenerational satanist family. My abuse lasted 23 years. I was sent to Germany for programming and to Japan, Mexico, and France. I did not attend public school. My abuse was chronic.”
“I was first sexually abused in the Forest surrounding Meyers, a small town just outside of Lake Tahoe California in 1979-1980. I was later sexually abused several times in neighbor’s homes and eventually filmed with many other children in an apartment. I was abducted from my bedroom and missing for over 16 hours, when the police brought in the bloodhounds I was “miraculously” returned. I have no memory of where I was when I was gone, just before and after the incident. We later moved to Arkansas where the abuse continued by other adults. I believe my mother may have been involved with the cults because everywhere we went I continued to be abused in the same ways, just by different people. I was eventually rescued by my grandparents who took me from my mother and kept me safe.”
“I was abused by my father and a satanic cult in San Bernardino County, California, and possibly the Bay area as well.”
“My abuse was predominantly in Southern California. But also in Nevada, Washington D.C., and in Germany.”
“Satanic Ritual Abuse is real. My son was abused in Ann Arbor, Mi, San Francisco, CA, and Chicago, IL.”
“Ritual abuse took place in the Sacramento and Bay area 1958-1960. There was also a sophisticated child sex ring operating in Sacramento during that time.”
“I was born into a Satanic Cult in Cedar City, Utah. I was also ritually abused in California, in the desert, Manhattan Beach, and Los Angeles (especially in the Crenshaw area).”
“Rohnert Pk, CA 1998-2002 I’m in my 40s, a female, and have experienced RA. It involved a Native American gang, a karate studio and at least one policeman and city official. The abuse has stopped, the threats have not.
“Baldwin Park Bible Church, was not satanic ritual abuse but was definitely long-term ritual abuse. During the mid to late ’50s.”
“I was abused in North Texas. Grew up in a Satanic cult. Abused by German doctors, NASA, other scientists and doctors. Abused in San Diego, Mojave desert and other places.”
“My abuse took place at Arrowhead Springs, in a big white hotel in the foothills of San Bernardino. 70’s to 80’s. Underground cave-like places and “hot springs”.”
“I believe that I was abused by a sex ring in Sacramento during the 60’s. May have also
been part of Govt MC(mind control) experiments as well.”
“I was found to be a “Marionette” by the local witches/cultists in the Arcata/Willow Creek, California area, and was used and abused by the witches/cultists because they knew of my being hypnotized and unable to stop them or do anything about whatever method they decided to abuse me with. Apparently, someone had found out about me being hypnotized as a child, informed the local witches/cultists of my childhood, and I became a pass-around marionette for the local cults. My 12-year-old daughter was to be the next victim. I moved us away from there. Avoid those geographic areas, the school’s teachers, administration, and counselors are also cultists. Witchcraft is in the schools, spell casting is an everyday occurrence. Students have been told not to spell cast against the teachers or at school during school hours.”
“I was first sexually abused in the Forest surrounding Meyers, a small town just outside of Lake Tahoe California in 1979-1980. I was later sexually abused several times in neighbor’s homes and eventually filmed with many other children in an apartment. I was abducted from my bedroom and missing for over 16 hours, when the police brought in the bloodhounds I was “miraculously” returned. I have no memory of where I was when I was gone, just before and after the incident. We later moved to Arkansas where the abuse continued by other adults. I believe my mother may have been involved with the cults because everywhere we went I continued to be abused in the same ways, just by different people. I was eventually rescued by my grandparents who took me from my mother and kept me safe.”
“My parents were in a cult, but dad sold me out to child pornography studios in LA area. I was forced to bear a child when I was 12 in a cult ritual. They did not get her a birth certificate. I was not able to protect her, she was raised by another cult member in a different town. She died when I was 14, she was murdered in front of me, in a snuff film.”
“I was ritually/sexually abused in Contra Costa County, Oakland, Berkeley, and San Francisco, and now I am fighting to stop the Officials responsible. I am fighting for my children’s lives right now. My daughter was abducted by the officials ritually and sexually abusing children and adults for revenue for a bankrupt County. I know the truth of my past, and there are many murders of children here. The alleged officials run a pornography ring also. They took pictures of me as a child. An official was convicted in Contra Costa County in 1968 for the production of child pornography, and for child molestation. We even have his videos and pictures to put him away. Many County officials are involved too. We have the evidence for that too. That is why they took my fifteen-year-old daughter. She is being pandered as we speak. I must stop ritual/sexual abuse not just for my family, but for all people being tortured. I am starting locally, and I will go from County to County finding survivors until they are slowed down. How dare they make money for our victimization. pray for everyone abused like this. God put me back together again.”
“Santa Barbara, California is where I was ritually abused.”
“Abused in child pornography in the Los Angeles area – some snuff. Kids were shipped in from cooperating families or taken off the streets.”
“My history of RAT(ritualistic abuse-torture) began when I was about 2 or so in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. I was raised in a military family (Marines) and moved frequently, so other locations included the areas around 29 Palms, CA; Pensacola, FL; Beaufort, SC; and Central NY.”
“SRA in NW Iowa, northern Michigan, Denver-area, possibly elsewhere.”
“I am a RA survivor with PTSD, OCD, Depression, and have several children. My SRA abuse took place in Arvada, CO. Additional abuse took place by my youth pastor. I have just recently began to have memories of these things.”
“We are survivors. The ritual torture we endured was mostly at the hands of our preacher/minister father and took place in the Loveland/Ft. Collins frontrange area and also Colo. Springs.”
“I am a survivor suffering from PTSD, Agoraphobia & Psychogenic amnesia for abuse/torture that occurred after being abducted in Denver, CO in 1977 or 1978. The flashbacks and partial memory (along with PTSD) did not surface until I was 30 yrs old and was a parent of a daughter myself.”
“My daughter was the victim of 7 1/2 yrs of satanic ritual abuse in the Denver, CO area.”
“I was ritually abused by Freemasons in Grand Junction and Denver.”
“My daughter was the victim of a group of Satanists in either the Aurora, CO area or possibly the Woodland Park/Colorado Springs area. She was forced to participate in satanic rituals and now, at age 18, still has post-traumatic stress disorder. She was about 6 yrs old when it started in 1995. The abuse ended in late 2002. Her mental health has suffered greatly. She is on anti-psychotics because she was originally diagnosed as having schizophrenia, but recently her psychiatrist told me it isn’t schizophrenia, but PTSD. She has terrible flashbacks of the rituals performed and of the things she was forced to do. She talks about babies being sacrificed, drinking blood & urine, etc.”
“My abuses were in the new york state and Danbury ct. areas in the 1940s and 1950s. I had ritualistic traumas involving cult-like games with grail and Egyptian mythological themes and UFO alien scenarios were also used at times. These occurred with my parents, other relatives, and family friends. The sites included parks around the finger lake areas of n.y. state. I recall being taken to monasteries, wineries, a cemetery, a church, a lighthouse, and a military base. Programming, electrical shocking, and experimentation were also part of my trauma. One area of programming included angelic wars, dark and light, and kabbalah. The men wore tall stovepipe black hats and black suits. The women wore long bluish purple gowns and dark black hair turned up at the ends. We call them the dark people.”
“I was abused in CT. and IL.. My grandfather was involved through the Masons. I was tortured and dedicated to be the mother of a high priestess. Jesus saved me from this hell.”
“I’m a victim of mind control and ritual abuse in Miami, Fl.”
“Brother & sister born of slave mother then used in ritualistic abuse ceremonies. Fruitland ID, Sumpter OR Southern FL. Familial rape, sexual abuse, extreme physical abuse, programming, murder. A community of perpetrators.”
“I was abused (SRA) in different cities in GA (CAIRO and near Byromville) and in FL.”
“My history of RAT(ritualistic abuse-torture) began when I was about 2 or so in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. I was raised in a military family (Marines) and moved frequently, so other locations included the areas around 29 Palms, CA; Pensacola, FL; Beaufort, SC; and Central NY.”
“I was abused (SRA) in different cities in GA (CAIRO and near Byromville) and in FL.”
“I was ritually abused and tortured in a rural small town south of Macon, Georgia.”
“My history of RAT(ritualistic abuse-torture) began when I was about 2 or so in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. I was raised in a military family (Marines) and moved frequently, so other locations included the areas around 29 Palms, CA; Pensacola, FL; Beaufort, SC; and Central NY.”
“Southeastern Idaho (Blackfoot, Parker) also Utah – Provo porn ring, satanic ritual abuse, mind control have been validated by others who were there.”
“Ritually abused by a large family group in Fruitland, & Payette Idaho. I was also ritually abused in Sumpter Oregon as well as other locations.”
“Brother & sister born of slave mother then used in ritualistic abuse ceremonies. Fruitland ID, Sumpter OR Southern FL. Familial rape, sexual abuse, extreme physical abuse, programming, murder. A community of perpetrators.”
“Idaho Falls, Idaho in the caves on the way to Arco and at craters of the moon national park. I remember a lot of fires and fear and pain and blood and of running away to hide in the sagebrush.”
“Satanic Ritual Abuse is real. My son was abused in Ann Arbor, Mi, San Francisco, CA, and Chicago, IL.”
“My recollections of ritual abuse are set in the northern suburbs of the Chicago area in the early to late fifties.”
“I was abused in CT. and IL.. My grandfather was involved through the Masons. I was tortured and dedicated to be the mother of a high priestess. Jesus saved me from this hell.”
“Ritually abused in a small town in southern Illinois.”
“Was ritualistically abused in Terre Haute, IN, 1950-1954.”
“Satanic Ritual Abuse in Grant County Indiana and surrounding areas.”
“SRA in NW Iowa, northern Michigan, Denver-area, possibly elsewhere.”
“Our family was ritually abused in the Wichita, KS area for many years. The truth began to come out in 1997. There is a large Satanic group/s in this area, which deals with child prostitution, drug trade, movie-making, baby selling, pedophilia, hypnosis, and other illegal acts against children and adults. They have an underground Temple West of Wichita, where they have Pagan ceremonies.”
“Wichita, KS…There are several (at least) groups of occultists operating in this area. They meet in an underground “temple” west of Wichita. Actually, this is like a series of basement rooms under or near a barn on a fake farm. They use Wizard of Oz themes as some of their inspiration. Our family was tortured, mind-controlled, used, and hypnotized for many years. Horrific things happened to us and it is a miracle that we survived. These groups practiced an abusive form of witchcraft with satanic elements and were involved heavily in child pornography & prostitution, making and selling films, dealing drugs, selling babies created and taken from captive women, etc. Some of the people involved were from multigenerational families which claimed to be Catholic, and other perpetrators infiltrated our Pentecostal church and pretended to be Christian converts in order to destroy it. My children were the first to talk and remember. I also began to remember several years later.”
“I underwent ritual abuse starting as an infant in a little backwoods town in Kentucky named Pine Knot.”
“Most of my abuse was in Kentucky, Tennessee, and possibly North Carolina.”
“My abuse happened with people from Louisville, KY.”
“Ritual abuse/torture happened to me in Hebron, KY in a “program” called Kids Helping Kids which is a derivative of the program Straight Incorporated.”
“I was abused at places such as Alexandria, Camp Livingston, and Camp Beauregard, just to name a few. Lots of German Doctors were involved.”
“Abuse happened in Bangor, Maine.”
“Mine was in and around Hagerstown, Maryland.”
“I am a survivor of ritual, sexual, and spiritual abuse by a Catholic priest. I reported this abuse to a Catholic nun. There were others involved in my ritual abuse which occurred in Massachusetts.”
“Braintree Massachusetts. Satanic Ritual Abuse, Catholic Priests/My family/Mob, like-minded cohorts benefiting from each other. Forced prostitution, pornography, ritual murder, child trafficking, drug trafficking, etc.”
“I was ritually abused from 6 months to 5 years of age in a Satanic cult as well as Catholic church members in New Bedford, Mass. 1954-1960.”
“Ritually abused in New Bedford, Mass. Mid 1950’s-early 1960’s. It took place in the basement of a church & basement of a restaurant.”
“Satanic Ritual Abuse is real. My son was abused in Ann Arbor, Mi, San Francisco, CA, and Chicago, IL.”
“Satanic ritual abuse, incest, priest abuse in the 1950’s and 60’s. The cult was most active in Dearborn Heights, but had outdoor gatherings in a remote part of northern Michigan, somewhere west of Indian River.”
“SRA in NW Iowa, northern Michigan, Denver-area, possibly elsewhere.”
“My RAT happened in Michigan, in & around Walled Lake. I found out later through a Christian policeman who went to my church that Walled Lake had the second highest incidences of satanic rituals in the state of Michigan.”
“South Western Michigan, Ritual Abuse with Santic Overtones. Freemasons, masons,
lower levels of Illuminati.”
“Satanic ritual abuse, incest, and torture in Lansing, Michigan.”
“My family was into the practice of ritual abuse with my father as the leader. My parents were very “religious” Catholics on the surface. My first memory of abuse was when I was about 3 months old. It continued well into my adolescence and occurred in Minnesota, and South Dakota. There were gatherings of extended family at certain times of the year. I do not know if it still continues. I have wondered about my brother. Both of my parents are dead and my sister who was a year older than me claims not to even remember incest so she is in denial. I have never approached my brother but I have made great strides in healing from the abuse. That is what matters most to me.”
“I was ritually abused in Memphis, and Jackson, Tennessee and Sardis, MS.”
“I was satanic ritually abused in southern Mississippi.”
“Ritually abused and government experimentation in Joplin, MO. I was also abused in many other locations including TN, DC, and Canada. Never give up!”
“I was a victim of ritual abuse at a preschool in Flatriver, MO.”
“I was satanic ritually abused in Lincoln, Nebraska.”
“I escaped from an SRA coven in the Scottsbluff/Gering NE area in 1973. I am an SRA survivor.”
“I was ritually abused many times in Nevada.”
New Jersey:
“Philadelphia and New Jersey. I was sexually abused by several pedophile groups in the 60’s and 70’s. I was also trained to abuse others in a Satanic group. I witnessed murders, kidnappings, and body disposals.”
“Multigenerational abuse in New Providence, NJ and Bayonne, NJ.”
New York:
“I survived different types of abuse at the hands of mostly my mother. From the ages of infancy to 21 years of age. Today I’m fighting against my mother to hopefully stop her from further abusing anyone else, including my younger siblings. Have strength and believe in yourself. I’m originally from NY which is where my abuse took place. I made it out and I only wish the same for others. take care and stay strong.”
“My abuses were in the new york state and Danbury ct. areas in the 1940s and 1950s. I had ritualistic traumas involving cult-like games with grail and Egyptian mythological themes and UFO alien scenarios were also used at times. These occurred with my parents, other relatives, and family friends. The sites included parks around the finger lake areas of n.y. state. I recall being taken to monasteries, wineries, a cemetery, a church, a lighthouse, and a military base. Programming, electrical shocking, and experimentation were also part of my trauma. One area of programming included angelic wars, dark and light and kabbalah. The men wore tall stovepipe black hats and black suits. The women wore long bluish purple gowns and dark black hair turned up at the ends. We call them the dark people.”
“I was ritually abused in the Albany New York area and possibly NY city area as well. A cult within the Catholic church with other affiliations.”
“I was ritually abused as a child in Monroe County.”
“My abuse happened in Upstate, New York.”
“My family was involved with a cult on Long Island, in New York. I was abused from birth until I left home for college. Have finally found a great therapist. I survived.”
“Ritually abused in the Buffalo area in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Clergy involved.”
“My history of RAT(ritualistic abuse-torture) began when I was about 2 or so in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. I was raised in a military family (Marines) and moved frequently, so other locations included the areas around 29 Palms, CA; Pensacola, FL; Beaufort, SC; and Central NY.”
North Carolina:
“I was abused in many countries but lived in the mountains of NC. People need to hear this is real. It must stop.”
“Most of my abuse was in Kentucky, Tennessee, and possibly North Carolina.”
North Dakota:
“Anderson, North Dakota. I was ritualistically abused as far back as I can remember. At that time the entire town did it. School, police, everyone. I had to leave in the dark of night and walk 100 miles and sneak into Canada to get away. I left with 2 others. They were shot dead as we were hunted like animals.”
“I’m a survivor by God’s grace of SRA mostly in the Toledo area but also other areas as well. Fully rely on God. He will heal you.”
“I dealt with ritual abuse and mind control in Cleveland, OH”
“Grandview area – ritual and gov. mind control transgenerational – recovered memories at 48.”
“My abuse happened in Chillicothe, Southwest Ohio.”
“Sandusky and Tiffin Ohio SRA that started as an infant. My family was involved as well as members of a social club and a school in Tiffin that no longer is used as a school.”
“I was satanic ritually abused and almost killed when I was 12 years old by cousins who are generational occult family at Sandusky, Ohio Sept. 1974.”
“I’m a survivor of S.R.A. which occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma.”
“My abuse happened in Hobart, Oklahoma near Lugert Lake.”
“I was ritually abused in Midwest City, Oklahoma.”
“My abuse occurred in the Altus, Okla. area, Lawton and Oklahoma City.”
“Mine occurred in Coos Bay Oregon. Children were abused in cults and child pornography was involved.”
“Ritually abused by a large family group in Fruitland, & Payette Idaho. I was also ritually abused in Sumpter Oregon as well as other locations.”
“Brother & sister born of slave mother then used in ritualistic abuse ceremonies. Fruitland ID, Sumpter OR Southern FL. Familial rape, sexual abuse, extreme physical abuse, programming, murder. A community of perpetrators.”
“Survivor of a Mormon cult ritual abuse in Eugene, OR, witness to many murders, mostly at the hands of my step-father, a respected teacher, raped, sold for medical experiments by government agency, alters trained to carry out assignments.”
“I was ritually abused in Vt. and PA. by my grandfather and my father from the age of five to the age of thirteen. At age twelve, my father impregnated me. The baby was to be
Satan’s child. My mother arranged for an abortion at around six months gestation. I was raped by the physician after the procedure. My parents were divorced shortly after the Abortion. I dissociated from these memories until my late forties. I am now beginning to heal.”
“I was satanic ritually abused in Erie, PA.”
“Philadelphia and New Jersey. I was sexually abused by several pedophile groups in the 60’s and 70’s. I was also trained to abuse others in a Satanic group. I witnessed murders, kidnappings, and body disposals.”
South Carolina:
“My history of RAT(ritualistic abuse-torture) began when I was about 2 or so in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. I was raised in a military family (Marines) and moved frequently, so other locations included the areas around 29 Palms, CA; Pensacola, FL; Beaufort, SC; and Central NY.”
South Dakota:
“My family was into the practice of ritual abuse with my father as the leader. My parents were very “religious” Catholics on the surface. My first memory of abuse was when I was about 3 months old. It continued well into my adolescence and occurred in Minnesota, and South Dakota. There were gatherings of extended family at certain times of the year. I do not know if it still continues. I have wondered about my brother. Both of my parents are dead and my sister who was a year older than me claims not to even remember incest so she is in denial. I have never approached my brother but I have made great strides in healing from the abuse. That is what matters most to me.”
“I was ritually abused in Memphis, and Jackson, Tennessee and Sardis, MS.”
“A small town named Waynesboro, Tennessee was where my world was turned upside down and inside out.”
“Ritually abused and government experimentation in Joplin, MO. I was also abused in many other locations including TN, DC, and Canada. Never give up!”
“Most of my abuse was in Kentucky, Tennessee, and possibly North Carolina.”
“I was abused (SRA) in different parts of Central and South Texas.”
“I was abused in North Texas. Grew up in a Satanic cult. Abused by German doctors, NASA, other scientists and doctors. Abused in San Diego, Mojave desert and other places.”
“I was abused in and around Dallas, Texas during the 1970’s and 1980’s … the abuse continues but is non physical at this time.”
“My abuse took place in West Valley, Murray, Riverton, Vernal Utah.”
“I was born into a Satanic Cult in Cedar City, Utah. I was also ritually abused in California, in the desert, Manhattan Beach, and Los Angeles (especially in the Crenshaw area).”
“Southeastern Idaho (Blackfoot, Parker) also Utah – Provo porn ring, satanic ritual abuse, mind control have been validated by others who were there.”
“I was ritually abused in Vt. and PA. by my grandfather and my father from the age of five to the age of thirteen. At age twelve, my father impregnated me. The baby was to be
Satan’s child. My mother arranged for an abortion at around six months gestation. I was raped by the physician after the procedure. My parents were divorced shortly after the Abortion. I dissociated from these memories until my late forties. I am now beginning to heal.”
“My abuse occurred in Alexandria, VA, and the greater Washington, DC area. Everyone I knew in the group adhered to a Luciferian belief system, that going through the steps of discipline would bring greater enlightenment. They believed that there were levels of development and enlightenment with different levels in the spiritual dimensions. They used pain and torture to “help” people reach these levels.”
“My abuse happened in the Harbor View neighborhood, Lorton, VA.”
“Ritually abused and government experimentation in Joplin, MO. I was also abused in many other locations including TN, DC, and Canada. Never give up!”
“I was abused in the Seattle area. We grew up in Kirkland, WA and I remember being in Marysville and some on the island around here.”
“I was abused in the west Kootenay region – Castlegar, nelson, Slocan valley. The cult was linked to Quakers and Christians in Washington state.”
“Abuse happened in Chehalis, Washington.”
“Generational satanic ritual abuse in Seattle, Washington. Been trying to recover for 15 years. Dealing with programming. and parts. Very difficult.”
“It is REAL–it is UGLY–please believe the children and adults who know–The SRA
occurred at Holy Hill in Wisconsin–a nationally recognized Catholic church.”
“My dad was leader of masonic sexual torture, he was also pastor of the Lutheran Church, New Lisbon, WI in 1970’s.”
“La Crosse, Wisconsin and all the hidden farms and underground networks in the corn fields and old farms. I was raised in a Masonic Satanic cult. My dad was a high priest. All my friends were tortured to death or sacrificed. My sister, brother, and myself were tortured, drugged, raped, and forced into child pornography, prostitution, and snuff films. Illuminati-based and very sophisticated in their programming/torture techniques. They trafficked in children, drugs, films, etc.. and our entire community was involved. Our pediatrician, pharmacist, police, dentist, and dad’s doctors were all masons who were involved in the satanic rituals. Thousands died… I got out alive.”
“At approximately age two I endured SRA and RAT at Medicine Hat, Alberta and then again at 41 at Brooks, Alberta.”
“Satanic Ritual Abuse outside of Ipswich, Queensland in the 1960’s and 70’s. It may still be happening. I am healing and surviving.”
“Satanic ritual abuse (organized crime ring – drugs and pornography, mostly). Victoria,
“I suffered RAT in Toronto and Fergus and Hamilton, Ontario. Between the ages of 2-7,
and then for short periods at age 8 and 12, during the years 1960-1971.”
“I am still running from my family who run a cult, they have destroyed my life. Southern
Ontario, Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec. I am scared because I am not sure if I will
make it and because there are so many still there.”
“Was RA(ritually abused) in Montreal, and in the Montreal regions.”
“Abuse located in Quebec province, outside Montreal.”
“Ritual Abuse and programming occurred while living in Edmonton, AB.”
“I was ritually abused while my parents were stationed in Chatham, NB.”
“SRA torture by priests and nuns in King City Ontario. Also a victim of child porn and some government slavery.”
“While RAT is prevalent in the US it is highly prevalent in Europe. I experienced my worst abuse in Germany, France, and the UK.”
“I’m a survivor of generational satanic ritual abuse in the UK.”
“I live in England, UK, down South, I was abused by my Mother and stepfather who belong to a satanic cult, I escaped with help ten years ago.”
“My abuse happened in Germany.
“I was abused in Union Springs, Alabama, Bessemer, Al. and all over the country. I grew up in a multigenerational satanist family. My abuse lasted 23 years. I was sent to Germany for programming and to Japan, Mexico, and France. I did not attend public school. My abuse was chronic.”
“I am a retired therapist, living in Norfolk, England. RAT survivor.”
“I grew up in a multi-generational cult in the Netherlands with connections in Germany and Belgium.”
“I was about seven years old when the ritual abuse took place. My family was living in a
small german town near Heidelberg from 1972-1977. I have freedom and healing from this terrible evil through Jesus.”
“I was abused in Union Springs, Alabama, Bessemer, Al. and all over the country. I grew up in a multigenerational satanist family. My abuse lasted 23 years. I was sent to Germany for programming and to Japan, Mexico, and France. I did not attend public school. My abuse was chronic.”
Australia/New Zealand Area:
“My RA(ritual abuse) happened in Northern Beaches, Sydney, Australia.”
“Singapore/Malaysia – father took us here to use us in Freemason rituals – abuse,
blood-letting, children sacrificed.”
“Ritually abused here also (main post-Melbourne) when taken here on holidays by my father – big ceremonies under the Bali Hilton.”
“Initiated into an extreme level of ritual abuse in Sydney at age of 4, big initiation & celebration for my father – many children slaughtered ritually.”
“Ritual abuse in Sydney and south coast from birth until I fled a few years ago.”
“I was abused in Union Springs, Alabama, Bessemer, Al. and all over the country. I grew up in a multigenerational satanist family. My abuse lasted 23 years. I was sent to Germany for programming and to Japan, Mexico, and France. I did not attend public school. My abuse was chronic.”
“I was tortured for five years by Tibetan Buddhists for my bad karma. It’s taken 25 years to recover so far.”
“I grew up in Ramat-Hasharon, Israel. My abuse started at a pre-verbal age and lasted ten years. My father introduced me to the satanic cult he belongs to. There was torture, child pornography, child trafficking, mind control, and terror. I have been in recovery for over twenty years. It is hard to find good therapists that can help-sometimes I had to interview 20 or 30 on the phone but ended up with a great therapist.”
This is just some of the abuse taking place around the world! Hopefully, this has opened your mind to how systematic satanic ritual abuse is! Please pray for the victims dealing with this living hell.
This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy.
This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.
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