Nuremberg 2 recently trended on Twitter…
The new owner of the platform even ruffled some deep-state, Marxist, and leftist users with his tweet calling for the arrest and prosecution of Fauci.
I won’t go too much into detail here about everything Fauci did throughout the plandemic, everyone reading this knows more about Fauci and his transgressions than he knows about himself or his own crimes…
I want to bring specific attention to this:
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Remember when Fauci said on National Television that masks don’t provide protection from COVID, only to turn around a week later and force mask mandates?
— CryptoBull (@CryptoBull2020) December 11, 2022
Fauci was blatantly anti-mask at first and for good reasons! However, he soon did a complete 180 and reversed course…
It seems like “the science” was overcome by emotional appeals to making anxiety-ridden lunatics feel safe, or perhaps he became a fan of the masks to further entrench himself politically.
Nothing screams ’emergency’ more than a bunch of people in masks. The masks create more fear and keep the whole thing going…
Here is your daily reminder that Fauci lied and millions died, Fauci lied about everything:
For the record: Dr Fauci lied about masks,lied about herd immunity,about natural immunity, about vaccines stopping transmission & contraction, lied about lockdowns & smeared any scientists who disagreed w/him (Barrington Declaration). He FUNDED THE RESEARCH THAT CREATED COVID-19.
— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) December 11, 2022
Here are some of Fauci’s mutterings on masks during November 2021 as per The Hill:
“When you have a dynamic like that … you really gotta be careful,” he said.
“Masks are not going to be forever for sure.
The more people that get vaccinated, the more people that get boosted, the lower the level of infection in the community will be, and then you start thinking about pulling back on masks.”
“But you don’t want to do it prematurely,” he added. “As much as you’d like to do it, you’ve got to be careful.”
On July 27th, 2021 Fauci told Ari Shapiro of NPR:
Well, the rationale, Ari, is that we’re really dealing with a different virus because when the original CDC recommendations were made that if you were fully vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask indoor was when we had the alpha variant dominant and the delta variant being about 1- or 2% or so of the viruses in the country.
Now the delta variant is totally dominant. It’s well over 80-, 85%. And in some sections of the country, it’s close to or above 90%. This variant is much more capable of transmitting from people to people. And we know now…
SHAPIRO: “Even vaccinated people.”
FAUCI: “Even – well, yes, that’s the point.”
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