Bo Polny was on my show recently and he has a major focus on December 13…
I’ll explain in just a moment.
First, let me just say this…
Out of all the times I’ve had Bo Polny on my show, this one was by far the best!
And yes, that even tops the show about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death and the show about Roe vs. Wade being overturned.
I was more pumped about this one by far.
So for any doubters out there, strap in, buckle up and get excited because this is going to blow your mind!
Remember when Bo told us to watch September 24?
Then October 24?
Then November 24?
And remember how it kind of seemed like nothing too big happened?
But I told everyone that sometimes we don’t see it until later.
And it turns out that is EXACTLY what happened here.
It turns out that Bo nailed all three of those dates with perfection, including adjustments for holidays and weekends!
He also had the FTX Bitcoin crash to the day!
I was getting so excited during the interview I had to get up and walk around a bit!
We cover all of that and then we talk about what’s next…
Spoiler alert: December 13 is showing as something big on Bo’s calendar, and likely connected to Bitcoin he thinks.
I can’t reveal “up or down” in this article…
Other key dates are December 24 and January 24.
There is something really special happening with the 24 right now and Bo breaks it all down in the interview.
I really hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!
Oh, and in addition to all of that, I also asked Bo about XRP….so this is a shout out to the XRP Army 🚨🚨 Big update in here for you!
Could it perhaps be that December 13 is the date the SEC/XRP ends?
I asked Bo that very question and his answer and opinion (and holdings!) about XRP may surprise you.
Anyway, the whole thing is awesome and I think you’re gonna love it.
Watch here on Rumble:
Backup here on YouTube if needed or preferred:
As always, I’ve also got the goodies for you right here:
👉 Download Bo’s slides for free:
👉 If you want Bo’s trading Newsletter, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)
💥 For access to the Easy Crypto School, go to ➡️ use code WLT49. (LIMITED TIME)
It’s about to get REALLY fun!
The Red Sea Moment arrives…
Don’t miss it!
Keep your hope sky high because good things are coming…in an instant!
In one 24-hour period, God CAN and WILL turn this completely around.
Can you see the pieces already lining up?
I can.
I finally can.
And it’s looking GLORIOUS!
And the beauty is there is no need to prove election fraud or anything related to the machines…
The case is simple!
Simple always takes the most genius.
Anyone can make something complicated and hard to understand, and most of those things fail.
It takes real genius to get perfect simplicity, and it looks like that’s what we’re dealing with here.
In one instant, Biden, Harris and 385 of their sleaziest friends (including Mike Pence) could be GONE — barred forever from holding any public office.
There will be no need for a new election…
It will be as if the 2020 certification never happened.
And what does that mean?
It means Trump never left.
He’s still the rightful President!
He walks right back into the White House as Marine One lands in the front lawn of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
I do believe that is a prophetic vision MANY prophets have had.
I also believe Robin Bullock says Heaven has never recognized Biden as President…now we know why.
Remember this my friends: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING!
You’re about to see the story of many generations unfold right before your very eyes.
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