The case for gun control has never been weaker…
An armed assailant who has it in their mind that they are going to kill, assault, or otherwise harm another’s life, liberty, or property does not care that there is some statute that prevents them from acquiring a firearm.
No mass killer or thief has ever said “gee, let me look up paragraph 3, subsection A, to see if I can use this firearm”…
Gun laws disproportionately affect innocent, peaceful, law-abiding citizens, and the video below showcases exactly why we need far less gun control, not more:
Lock and load.
— 🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 (@LionelMedia) October 28, 2022
The comments section was on fire with people voicing support for the woman, concealed carry permits, and the importance of an armed populace.
I just want to add that gun rights are women’s rights—there is no better way to even out the playing field when it comes to the differential in physical power:
I wish my woman could have a CCW permit. (We live in Los Angeles) she was chased by two men early in the morning last week. Today, a woman was killed in a parking lot a mile (or so) from where we live. Why can't honest people protect themselves?
— Evan Mcadams (@BongCave) October 29, 2022
Now if more people knew that could be the response, you can't tell me there wouldn't be less crime. Spock would agree with the logic so hard Lenard Nemoy would feel it.
— Michael Cosentino (Epstein/Didn't) (@MichaelCosent19) October 29, 2022
Following a recent SCOTUS ruling, gun laws all over the U.S. could now face challenges, according to the The Associated Press:
The first major gun decision in more than a decade, the ruling could dramatically reshape gun laws in the U.S. even as a series of horrific mass shootings pushes the issue back into the headlines.
“The gun rights movement has been given a weapon of mass destruction, and it will annihilate approximately 75% of the gun laws eventually,” said Evan Nappen, a New Jersey gun rights attorney.
I don’t care how old it is, where it was or what she was…it always does my heart good to see the thug get the surprise of his life. 🤣😂🤣😂
— 🇺🇸 Ed Hunter (@edhunter54) October 29, 2022
Good for her this is why the second amendment is so important and should not be infringed upon. If they take away all of our guns then the only people that will have them will be the criminals.
— @mybsmeterispeggedat10 (@fakenewsapp007) October 29, 2022
BBC News likewise reported:
The court found that a New York law requiring residents to prove “proper cause” – or a good reason – to carry concealed firearms in public violates the US Constitution.
Justice Clarence Thomas, writing on behalf of the six conservative judges who make up the court’s majority, ruled that Americans have a right to carry “commonly used” firearms in public for personal defence.
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