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Barry Wunsch: Powerful Vision Of A Future Event


Elijah Clips just posted a short 10 minute video featuring Barry Wunsch with a powerful vision of a future event coming to America.

This is actually a smaller clip from a bigger interview which was wild from start to finish so I have the full video for you farther below.

But if you want to hear just this one powerful prophecy, I have that for you right here.

And it really is incredible.

Watch here:

Now here’s the rest…

This is a prophetic warning from one of the most authentic prophets out there, Barry Wunsch, who says God woke up him early this morning at 4:56 a.m.

Woke him suddenly wide awake and gave him this urgent message.

The message starts about about the 11:00 minute mark of the full video I will post below, but essentially it is this:

There is an event coming in the next couple days that is going to change the word.

Think 9/11 on steroids.

Barry says he saw the event and it was in the United States northeast portion of the country.

He says God specifically told him to warn people to listen to the EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System) and to stay inside when it happens.

So I am passing that warning along as well.

He says it will be bad and it will change our world forever.

Folks…I’m putting all of this together and it sure sounds to me like a nuke on New York City.

Let’s hope not!

How tragic!

But that was just the beginning…

He had a lot more to share, I think maybe 6 or 7 different prophetic words all in this one video.

They are all incredible and mindblowing but my favorite was the one near the end where he said he was given an open vision from God where he saw President Trump and his team walking in with all the evidence.


No way for it to be spun or ignored.

And he said they walked with such a confidence, almost like he had never seen before (and Trump is normally a confident person).

But they had it all.

They marched it right into the Supreme Court and from there they went and retook the House of Representatives.

You need to listen to Barry tell it.

And last, before I give you the video, I want to recap the very end of the video where he gave a specific prophetic word to someone named Samantha.

He said there’s a Samantha out there who has been asking for a sign.  Then he describes her situation and he says here’s your sign, I’m calling you out by name in this video!

And I just kind of have a feeling that the Samantha he’s talking about is reading this article and so I want to specifically call this out so if that’s you I don’t want you to miss this.

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If your name is Samantha and you feel cut to the core right now because of what you just read, you need to watch to the end of this video and listen for the word Barry has for you on what you need to do next.

There we go!  Covered!

And now for everyone else, please enjoy this one and please, please, please stay safe this weekend!

Watch here on Rumble:



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