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David Leavitt’s Corruption


This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy. 

Note: The majority of this article was written before the Utah County Attorney election that David Leavitt was involved in. David Leavitt thankfully lost the bid for re-election. Many terms in this article are used in past tense.

Recently we’ve talked a lot about David Leavitt’s role in the Utah County ritualistic case. Some people believe that all these accusations are false. When you read the documents it’s pretty convincing that David Leavitt is indeed a ritual abuser. I also find it strange that David Leavitt was never implicated by the sheriff’s office about being involved in the investigation, Leavitt announced himself as a suspect in his press conference. However, David Leavitt isn’t just an alleged pedophile. He has been investigated by every major Utah news agency for multiple instances of corruption. Leavitt has been investigated for urging his staff to drop cases that have to do with his friends or family friends. He has been sanctioned by Utah courts. Many believe that David Leavitt uses public office for his own personal gain. Now for the small chance that the accusations of him being a ritual abuser are false, it doesn’t matter with the track record he already has. He is guilty of something. This article will talk about that.

The list goes as follows:

David Leavitt asks deputy not to impound the car of a man who once worked for him:

Deputies say that David Leavitt asked them to disregard state law for his handyman:

David Leavitt accused of urging staff to drop charges against his handyman:

Former deputy announced to stand for prosecutor position challenging Leavitt, citing serious concerns:

Leavitt sanctioned by the court for comments to the media and other behavior:

Legal community criticizes David Leavitt for a case involving brother’s LDS mission companion:

Utah County Attorney sued after he dismissed a stalking charge against a political donor:

More corruption:


Police union no-confidence vote on Leavitt:

The Case Against David Leavitt:

  • It is well known by victims of crime, policymakers, and those working in and around law enforcement across the state of Utah, that David Leavitt is soft on crime, ethically challenged, and a progressive prosecutor. His agenda could be compared to DAs in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.
  • He prioritizes probable cause suspects and defendants over victims of crime. He has implemented systems of catch and release within his office and lobbied the state legislature to mandate similar policies statewide. He is enabling the revolving door of criminality to grow, and he has made Utah County less safe.
  • When it isn’t election season, he is proud of his progressive agenda, but you wouldn’t know it from his campaign material.

Soft On Crime, Progressive, Rogue Prosecutor:

  • He’s pushed for cashless bail disguised as “bail reform”.
  • Champion of a bill that bans mugshots from being used publicly and by the media.
  • Actively lobbies the legislature for policies that benefit offenders over victims.
  • Lobbied to ban the death penalty in Utah and announced in the middle of a murder case that he wouldn’t pursue the death penalty.
  • He disbanded the Utah County Attorney’s Office Special Victims Unit claiming it to be a good move because now all his attorneys are trained to handle these cases. Not true. Attending one conference does not an SVU attorney make. If you don’t have multiple jury trials under your belt, if you haven’t attended training on trauma-informed prosecution, if you haven’t done direct and cross-examination of expert witnesses, if you haven’t second-chaired SVU trials with an experienced SVU attorney, you have no business prosecuting child rapists.
  • Formed a unit to review prior cases to find problems and potentially overturn convictions.
  • Crime rates have remained the same and yet his office is filing HALF the number of felonies. How is this possible?
  • Leavitt’s hand-picked screening team (those are the attorneys that decide what charges to file), per Leavitt’s orders, looks for every excuse to NOT file cases or to file felonies as misdemeanors.
  • Child endangerment (putting drugs in reach of kids) is a third-degree felony. They routinely charge it as a class A misdemeanor.
  • Stealing a car is a second-degree felony; they routinely charge it as misdemeanor joyriding.
  • Having enough meth to kill a graduating class of high school students is charged as misdemeanor possession rather than distribution.
  • Someone can be too staggering drunk to do field sobriety tests and his office will release them and wait months for a toxicology report before filing charges (meanwhile they will drive drunk again and kill someone).
  • Leavitt has also made the screening process so slow that attorneys in his office routinely get cases where the police gave them all the reports and evidence necessary to file charges and yet they wait many months to decide whether they will file charges. Meanwhile, criminals remain at large, the public remains unprotected, victims lose faith in our ability to help them, and the accused remain in limbo not knowing what is going to happen.
  • Leavitt claims he is bringing back the jury trial, single-handedly saving truth, justice, and the American way from tyranny. The reality is that under Leavitt’s tenure they are not doing any more trials than before. Almost all cases are still resolved through plea bargaining. Before Leavitt, there was always a line of cases waiting to go to trial and there is still a line of cases waiting to go to trial.
  • Does not have the trust or support of law enforcement.
  • The Utah County and state FOP issued a letter of no confidence in Leavitt.
  • Several former prosecutors have issued a letter of no confidence in him. 24 (out of 31) have left during his tenure.
  • The sitting sheriff is actively working against him as are sheriffs from other counties and many state lawmakers.

The Leavitt Factor:

  • Why did Utah County get rid of the special victims’ unit that investigates and prosecutes adult and child sex offense cases? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why is there a backlog of well over 1000 criminal cases waiting to be screened for charges? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why are victims of criminal offenses left disillusioned, vulnerable, and without a sense of justice? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why are potentially dangerous individuals out on the streets without any accountability? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why are felonies being charged as misdemeanors? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why do prior convictions not matter during criminal prosecutions? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why have Utah County’s criminal filings in Justice Court increased nearly 80% while criminal filings in District Court decreased 45%? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why has property crime increased 5% in Utah County? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why do members of law enforcement in Utah County feel alienated? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why has the Utah County Attorney’s office budget increased by nearly $5.5 million per year, and grown by 15 full time attorneys yet they are prosecuting about 50% of the number of cases in district court? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why do state lawmakers have to pass bills that instruct prosecuting attorneys where and how to file criminal charges? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why did the Utah County Fraternal Order of Police issue a statement of no confidence in the Utah County Attorney? The Leavitt Factor
  • Why did several former Utah County prosecutors leave their positions early and issue a letter of no confidence in the Utah County Attorney? The Leavitt Factor

George Soros Backed David Leavitt:

What or Who is Just Trust for Action? The Just Trust is a project funded by the New Venture Fund. Board members of The Just Trust include liberals like Barack Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe. The New Venture Fund is a key part of George Soros’s dark money web.

…“George Soros’ nonprofit Open Society Policy Center (OSPC) gave heavily to both Sixteen Thirty Fund — the dark money group that spent $55,000,000 funding pro-Biden SuperPACs in 2020 — and its “sister” organization, New Venture Fund, with cumulative donations of $9,600,000 and $14,500,000, respectively.”…

…” Arabella Advisors, founded in part by former Clinton Global Initiative executive and Open Society Fellow Eric Kessler, they’ve enjoyed massive success on the fundraising front, with nearly $1,000,000,000 passing through since 2018. New Venture Fund acts as the “tip of the spear” of sorts for the Arabella Advisors network of nonprofits,”…

…” For years, Soros has showered district attorney races with money, oftentimes backing the most progressive candidate.”…

…”The New Venture Fund provides its tax and legal status to groups it houses, meaning that projects under its umbrella do not have to file tax forms to the IRS that would show information such as board members and financial information. The New Venture Fund raked in $965 million in anonymous donations in 2020, Fox News previously reported. It is one of four funds Arabella Advisors manages, along with the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Windward Fund and Hopewell Fund. The four funds in the Arabella-managed dark money network pulled in a combined $1.6 billion in secret donations last year, tax forms show.”…

“Soros’ nonprofit outright states the cash is going to the New Venture Fund“…

“When you do, you have an enormous influence over who actually gets prosecuted and charged with crimes,” Lehman said. “You can rule out whole classes of crimes of meriting prosecution.”

…” links to the New Venture Fund are discoverable in George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) grant database.”…

Law Enforcement:

Mike Smith Utah County Sheriff – “For the security, safety, and well-being of Utah County citizens, for the safety of our children, we MUST NOT re-elect David Leavitt,”

Steve Adams Former Police Chief, 37 years in law enforcement – “…In far too many instances the current County Attorney has not prosecuted cases that left the citizens of this great county at risk, especially our children. We need someone who will uphold the law, prosecute criminals, and hold people accountable for their actions.”

Utah County Fraternal Order of Police – “Utah County law enforcement has no confidence in Utah County Attorney David Leavitt’s ability and fitness to perform his duties as the county’s leading prosecuting attorney… “David Leavitt is more concerned with a suspect’s well-being and rights than those of the public and victims of crime… “We request and encourage all residents to not reelect David Leavitt in 2022.”

Utah State Fraternal Order of Police – “The state FOP backs our brothers and sisters in Utah County and renews our calls for an investigation into the actions of this DA, who acts more like the DAs in crime ridden, socialist leaning areas of the country. Compare his statements and actions to that of Los Angeles, Portland, Baltimore DAs among others.”

Letter from Six Former Utah County Criminal Prosecutors – “We are united in presenting this public declaration of no confidence in David Leavitt’s capability and competence to perform his constitutional and statutory duties as the lead criminal prosecutor in Utah County. We declare that Mr. Leavitt has vacated his responsibilities to provide you safety and protection in your person and property by failing to enforce criminal laws against offenders and by prioritizing the protection of criminals from the lawful consequences of their misconduct.”

Letter from Six Former Utah County Criminal Prosecutors – “The abuse of his discretion by willfully ignoring statutory sentencing enhancements, and diminishing the importance of criminal histories in charging decisions, so those who have prior felony convictions, those on felony probation, and those on parole from the state prison, can be referred to the Utah County Justice Court for misdemeanor prosecution… “David Leavitt’s policies have also resulted in the alienation of your law enforcement officers in the county. Due to mistrust in him, your County Attorney’s Office was removed as the primary investigating agency from the county’s officer-involved critical incident protocol.” “We unitedly encourage all residents not to vote to re-elect David Leavitt for a second term in 2022…”

John Geyerman, former Deputy Chief Provo Police – Letter: Disappointed in attorney over driver’s charges I read the article in the May 13 issue of the Herald regarding the charging of the suspect in the Eagle Mountain traffic crash in which two little boys were killed. David Leavitt decided on his own to charge the suspect with two second degree felonies. I then referenced the May 4 issue of the Herald to see what charges the investigating officers charged the suspect with when he was booked into jail. The investigating officers booked him into jail for two counts of automobile homicide, two counts of driving under the influence with criminal negligence, possession of a controlled substance, DUI with serious bodily injury due to negligent operation, two counts of DUI with personal injury, reckless driving, failure to operate within a single lane and obey a traffic control device and speeding. David Leavitt said in the May 13 article that lesser charges, like drug charges, would have been included and dealt away in a plea bargain, Considering he has the ultimate say whether any charges are dealt away this does not need to be so. I proudly served as a Law Enforcement Officer for 34 years, in that time I trained and worked with officers from all over the world, we have some of the best officers in the country and the world in Utah County. They will keep us safe but they need a County Attorney that will help and not hinder their efforts.

Native American Adoption:

As you see above, David Leavitt is really corrupt. In fact, another story broke out about him just a couple of weeks ago. A video was recently released by Fox13 of Utah County Attorney David Leavitt discussing his “strategy” to adopt a Native American baby, allegedly taking advantage of his political influence to overcome a federal law designed to protect Native American children from being adopted by non-Native families. Leavitt went on to explain how he tried to broker a deal with the Northern Cheyenne Tribe in Montana, offering them the ability to export buffalo to Ukraine. Although he is not blood-related to the child, the little girl was considered Leavitt’s step-foster-great niece. This is not only a case of corruption but in 2020 this video of David Leavitt was submitted to Homeland Security Investigations as part of a criminal human trafficking investigation. You can find more on that subject here:

Utah Ritualistic Case:

DISCLAIMER: The following is very sensitive content, the type that could keep you up all night! Please read with caution! 

NOTE: Just because David Leavitt is mentioned in the ritualistic abuse case documents doesn’t mean anything said about him is true. He hasn’t been proven to be guilty in a court of law yet, so all of the following content is speculation.

Now the final subject I wish to get into today is about the ritualistic abuse case. I’ve spent several months studying the documents and although the Leavitts aren’t talked about as much as some others, they are still mentioned a few times. The following case is a case back in 2012 on David Hamblin(a therapist). This case was however dismissed in 2014. Utah County Attorney at the time David Sturgill had described the allegations as “some of the worst allegations of sexual abuse that I’ve come across in the many years that I’ve been prosecuting these types of cases”. Sturgill found difficulty getting a case together suitable for court “I’m getting resistance from DCFS (Division of Child and Family Services)… and then there’s other medical records that we’re having some trouble gathering. A lot of it’s due to just the age of this case. It’s an extremely delayed disclosure.” At a hearing in March 2014, Sturgill moved to dismiss the charges without prejudice, meaning they could be refiled in the future if the case comes together. A new investigation was opened in April 2022 which somehow related to this older case.

David Leavitt, current Utah County Attorney lied and said that his predecessor, prosecutor David Sturgill, dismissed the case because “the allegations were so untenable and unbelievable.” Leavitt went on to characterize the statement as “151 pages of utter baloney” and called the woman who made the allegations “tragically mentally ill.” This is a common tactic for perpetrators to try and diminish a victim and deflect away from the actual testimony and facts. It is a particularly disgusting form of attack as if a victim suffers from any mental health problems they are caused by the very abuse that the perpetrator has committed upon the victim. This technique is in fact re-abusing the victim and possibly trying to make them change to a certain mind-controlled alter. Leavitt is clearly misusing his office to lie, mischaracterize and affect a case that is part of a current Utah County Police investigation, and as Attorney that he may be called upon to make a judgment as to prosecuting. Leavitt is also clearly misusing his office to comment on a case in which he has a clear conflict of interest as he is named as a child rapist and ritual abuser. A 6-year-old could tell that Leavitt is trying to rubbish the witness statement because he himself is implicated. Leavitt has also called upon Sheriff Mike Smith to resign for political interference, despite admitting there is no evidence. Mike Smith is conscientiously investigating the offenses and has not released any names of victims, perpetrators, or suspects.

Before we get into some of the accusations, I want to give some points about what/who David Leavitt is in these documents. According to the witness statements(which you can find at the end of the article):

  • The Leavitt’s are allegedly a “high ranking” family within the group/cult(The Church of Satan) [Witness Statement #2]
  • David Leavitt is believed to be on the high council(The Church of Satan) [Witness Statement #2]
  • David Leavitt is known as “the conspirator” in the high council(The Church of Satan), as incriminated by the witnesses [Witness Statement #2]
  • David Leavitt claimed that he testified for David Hamblin(therapist) at D. Hamblin’s divorce.

Presumably, the Leavitt’s on multiple occasions were involved in the abuse(according to the documents). They are believed to have participated in abuse at parties, events, meetings with the high council, and even within their own home. Let’s look at a few of them.

Witness Statement #4, Experience 122:

Experience 122 states Leavitt raped her.

Witness Statement #4, Experience #171:

Experience 171 states she(the witness) was forced to take part in ritual satanic abuse. She claimed that she was dressed in a black robe, and when it was removed, she had to lie in a coffin trunk, and then she was “called forth from the grave” and made commitments to lucifer and she would fight for satan in the final battle. She was then supposedly raped by Leavitt.

Witness Statement #2, 1993-94, Spring City(page 136):

This statement(if true) reveals that the Leavitts went to parties and ceremonies where they would drink broth made from human bones.

Witness Statement #2, 1997-98, Nephi(page 96):

This tells of an experience that allegedly happened at the Leavitt’s house.

Now I can’t mention every single experience he has so I will just leave you with a guide if you want to search the documents for yourself.

Here is a guide:

David Leavitt:

Source: [Witness Statement #3 page 49, 50, 63, 89, 91, 92, 104, 135, 136, 137] [Witness Statement #4 page 30, 34, 51]

Chelom(Shalome) Leavitt(wife of D. Leavitt):

Source: [Witness Statement #3 page 63, 89, 91, 92, 135] [Witness Statement #4 page 30, 51]

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Still Support President Trump?

The Leavitts:

Source: [Witness Statement #2 page 14, 96, 139] [Witness Statement #3 page 89, 91, 92, 135]

You can find the witness statement here.

Check it out for yourself.

This article contains statements and commentary which are the opinion of Concrete Conspiracy. 

This is a guest post by ConcreteConspiracy — find more from Concrete Conspiracy on Substack here.


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