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Another Busload of Migrants Dropped Outside of Kamala Harris’ Home!


Kamala Harris, who is supposed to be Joe Biden’s “border czar,” may need to start doing her job soon.

Otherwise, her own home may soon be filled with migrants from the south.

On Thursday, Texas governor Greg Abbot sent two busloads of them straight to her doorstep.

101 migrants arrived in DC on Thursday morning, just outside of her house.

Then on Saturday morning, a bus full of 50 more arrived.

Abbot, along with Florida governor Ron DeSantis aren’t playing around anymore.

Against their own wishes, they’ve been forced by the Biden Administration to allow millions of illegal migrants to enter their states.

Now it’s time for progressives like Harris to put their money where their mouths are.

Here is footage of all three buses from Thursday and Saturday:

Apparently, Greg Abbott and other governors from border states are sick of the uneven distribution of illegal immigrants.

Fox News has the latest on the crowd of migrants seen outside of Harris’ house in DC:

Around 50 more migrants got off a bus outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ residence in Washington, D.C., Saturday.

Six more buses also arrived in New York City, as Texas continued to pressure sanctuary cities amid a surge of migrants crossing the southern border. The six buses were from El Paso, Port Authority officials told Fox News.

The D.C. bus carried people mostly from Venezuela, including a one-month-old baby. Aid workers quickly whisked the migrants away to a local shelter.

The transports come as the immigration issue has again rocketed to the forefront of national attention after planes carrying migrants arrived in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

Abbott gave a statement on Twitter regarding the busses on Thursday:

Here’s more from the Washington Examiner:

“The Biden-Harris Administration continues ignoring and denying the historic crisis at our southern border, which has endangered and overwhelmed Texas communities for almost two years,” Abbott said in a press release. “Our supposed Border Czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, has yet to even visit the border to see firsthand the impact of the open border policies she has helped implement, even going so far as to claim the border is ‘secure.’ Texas will continue sending migrants to sanctuary cities like Washington, D.C., until President Biden and Border Czar Harris step up and do their jobs to secure the border.”

Harris has been dubbed by conservative detractors as the “border czar” after President Joe Biden made her the point person for immigration problems dogging the country last year.

Two other buses containing 101 immigrants arrived Thursday as part of Abbott’s efforts to send immigrants who crossed the southern border illegally to sanctuary cities as a record number of immigrants illegally enter the country.

If only Harris simply did her job, then she’d have nothing to worry about…

Harris has no comment according to the New York Post:

Why so quiet, Kamala?

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Biden administration’s migration czar, turned and walked away for a second straight day Friday when a reporter asked her about Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott busing 101 migrants to her official residence on Thursday.

“What’s your reaction to the buses that were arriving yesterday?” Harris was asked as she welcomed South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to Washington.

Harris did not respond or react to the inquiry as she entered the Naval Observatory, about 2 miles northwest of the White House.


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