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Scientists Create World’s First Synthetic Embryos Without Using Eggs or Sperm


Here go scientists attempting to play God again.

“A synthetic embryo with cells capable of forming a brain and a beating heart was developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge using mouse stem cells,” The National Pulse reported.

Euronews called the experiment “another success in the unfolding race to develop embryos from human and mouse stem cells.”

The team, led by Professor Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, developed the embryo model without using any eggs or sperm.

This is why they manipulate society into not wanting to have babies naturally.

Scientists will grow test tube babies for you.

It’s a sickening attack on humanity.

From The National Pulse:

“By inducing the expression of a particular set of genes and establishing a unique environment for their interactions, the researchers were able to get the stem cells to ‘talk’ to each other,” explains a summary of the work.

“The stem cells self-organised into structures that progressed through the successive developmental stages until they had beating hearts and the foundations of the brain, as well as the yolk sac where the embryo develops and gets nutrients from in its first weeks.”

The synthetic embryo model developed by the Cambridge team is unique, as it reached a record level of development where the entire brain, including the anterior portion, began to develop.

The findings, which took researchers over a decade of work, could potentially be useful in understanding why some pregnancies fail along with developing synthetic organs for patients awaiting transplants.

The research also opens “new possibilities to study the mechanisms of neurodevelopment in an experimental model,” according to Zernicka-Goetz.

Euronews hinted at future uses of synthetic embryos:

But while there is regulation surrounding human embryos, synthetic human embryos are a new prospect. Could a synthetic human embryo one day be implanted into a person’s womb?

The Weizmann Institute’s scientists said the synthetic mouse embryos, despite looking a lot like natural mouse embryos, could not be considered the same, and any attempt made at implanting them into a mouse’s womb did not translate into a pregnancy.

That suggests that, at the moment, mice pups still need to be created the old-fashioned way – egg, sperm, and everything that comes with it.

But the research opens the way to the possibility that one day, mice pups could be created out of any mouse cell. And after that, what’s stopping us from creating human embryos outside of the womb?


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