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FACT-CHECK: Trump Says Zuckerberg Came To See Him At The White House “Last Week”


Hey, where are all those “Fact Checkers” that always try to spin the truth to discredit it?

They must be taking the weekend off.

Because there’s a video snippet circulating today claiming Trump is senile and thinks Mark Zuckerberg came to see him in the White House “last week”.

Of course that’s nonsense.

So I guess since all the “Fact Checkers” are taking the holiday weekend off, I’ll have to handle this one myself.

No problem.

So here’s the clip…

And you can see a few of the posts ignorantly claiming how senile Trump is.

Of course that’s nonsense, but let’s all watch it first:

These are either very lazy posts from people who do not know Trump and did not watch the full speech or they are intentionally misleading you.

Because anyone can tell listening to this the man is very sharp.

Compare him to Biden, who literally can’t string together a full sentence.  It’s sad.

Trump meanwhile, delivers a two-hour speech with perfection and with no teleprompter.

All off the top of his head, which is still performing extremely well, thank you very much!

So what’s the deal with the clip?

It’s pretty obvious to anyone who knows Donald Trump or who has listened to his speeches before.

The man is so smart that he constantly has several ideas going at any given time.

It’s like your web browser….ever started researching something and suddenly you have 10 browser tabs open?

That’s kind of how a Trump speech can go sometimes.

He might get 3 or 4 ideas deep on something and you think he forgot, but then he circles back and expertly closes the loop on each one.

That’s what happened here.

This is a deceptively edited clip that very interestingly stops suddenly so you don’t get to hear President Trump close the loop on what he started.

It’s really pretty simple: President Trump brings up Mark Zuckerberg to talk about the huge story we all covered — LAST WEEK.

Read it right here:

WATCH: Zuckerberg Admits To F.B.I. Tampering And Collusion

So this story breaks last week, and President Trump brings it up because it happened LAST WEEK.

But in the midst of doing that he takes a little detour when he mentions Zuckerberg and flashes back to when that Robot Alien Lizard visited him in the White House in 2019 and groveled like the Beta Boy he is.

Pretty simple really, and not even one of the harder things to follow.

Unless you like deceptively editing videos and not telling the whole story.

But that would be the MSM for you.

Here's how Business Insider covered it, essentially admitted to what I just told you but really making it hard to follow:

At a Pennsylvania rally supporting senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz and gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, the first since the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago residence, Trump briefly fixated on the chief executive of Facebook's parent company.

"Last week, the weirdo — he's a weirdo — Mark Zuckerberg came to the White House, kissed my ass all night," Trump said during the speech, going on to mimic their alleged conversation: "'Sir, I'd love to have dinner, sir. I'd love to have dinner. I'd love to bring my lovely wife.' All right, Mark, come on in. 'Sir, you're number one on Facebook. I'd like to congratulate you.' Thank you very much, Mark. I appreciate it."

Trump has previously made similar comments about Zuckerberg. Last year, following his suspension from Facebook, he said the executive "used to come to the White House to kiss [his] ass" and called Zuckerberg "sick" for deplatforming him.

In Saturday's campaign speech, Trump added: "Well, Mark Zuckerberg confessed that in 2020, the FBI went to Facebook and the media and gave them the false narratives that the Hunter Biden laptop from hell was Russian disinformation, even though they knew that was not true. So they went in they said it was Russian disinformation, by the way."

The former president was referring to Zuckerberg's comments this week on Joe Rogan's podcast that a New York Post story about Hunter Biden's laptop "fit the pattern" of polarizing content, including "Russian propaganda" the FBI had warned the company about. He said the laptop story had several red flags that raised questions about its authenticity and, in response, Facebook limited its reach on the site's news feeds for five or seven days.

And if you want to hear the FULL speech and not just a deceptively edited 24 seconds, watch the whole Rally.

It truly was incredible, and easily one of his best ever.

Links below...

President Trump's historic rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA is just hours away and I have all the links needed for you to tune in.

Trust, me you don't want to miss this.

You can tune in to the rally replay FREE here on Rumble on POTUS's channel:

Alternate backup here from RSBN:

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Now back to the Rally...

President Trump has already teased that there is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH to say!

See here:

Do you think he will announce he's running in 2024?

I think maybe so...

Or maybe he finally drops the hammer?

Maybe he finally releases all the evidence?

Can't wait to see!

Here is what the crowd is looking like -- it's MASSIVE!

Check out how long this video goes on for (and it's sped up too):

Crazy indeed!

Oh, and here are all those "violent extremists" I keep hearing about:

Oh yes, they look very angry and dangerous and violent!


Folks, THIS is America right here!

It honestly warms my heart just putting the story together and watching these clips.

So awesome to see this...good people all around!

The people who Made America Great and who are MAKING IT GREAT AGAIN!

Crowd size is huge and enthusiasm is high:


Ron F. meant this as a dig, but I say the kid ain't wrong!

It just keeps going:

Even the Wall Guy was there:

Gotta love him.

And I want one of those hats!

MTG was interviewed:


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