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Joe Rogan Says “Vote Republican”


Joe Rogan told his listeners they should vote Republican in his latest podcast episode that featured NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

Rogan and Rodgers spoke on how some states handled the Covid-19 pandemic differently from others which led Rogan to say “lessons were learned through this pandemic”.

Rodgers would reply by asking Rogan “what lessons were learned?”

To which Rogan replied, “vote Republican”.

Watch the moment he said it here:

Here’s what the New York Post reported:

Podcaster Joe Rogan pushed his listeners to “vote Republican” while taking Democratic Party leaders to task over their policies related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The comedian slammed COVID-19 lockdowns and other restrictive measures during a discussion with NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers on an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” released last Saturday.

Rogan and Rodgers each pointed to measures taken in some Democrat-led states to limit outdoor dining and beach access as COVID-19 cases surged as an example of missteps — with the latter referencing California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s infamous outing at the French Laundry restaurant even as the state implemented restrictions.

“I hope there’s lessons learned in this because this is a new thing,” Rogan said. “We had never had this before. No one that was alive today had ever experienced a true pandemic and I’m hoping that now that this is over, people are going to recognize that some serious errors were made and not repeat those.”

“So what do you tell those people?” Rodgers asked.

“Vote Republican,” a laughing Rogan responded. “That’s what a lot of them are going to do anything.”

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The Hill had more on the story:

Media personality Joe Rogan said that many people who are angry over COVID-19 protocols during the pandemic that forced their businesses to close should “vote Republican” in the upcoming midterms.

In an episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Rogan added that now that the pandemic is over, “people are going to recognize that some serious errors were made and not repeat those.”

“That’s the best you can get out of it. But as far as compensation for all those people that were forced to close their businesses and keep their doors shuttered and lost everything they’d worked for decades to build. Now they’re … they’re just going to be angry,” he shared.

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, a guest on the podcast, then asked Rogan what he would tell those people, and Rogan replied: “Vote Republican”.

The podcaster also quoted an Associated Press article from July that highlighted a political shift taking place across the U.S. as tens of thousands of suburban voters who helped fuel the Democratic Party’s gains in recent years are becoming Republicans.


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