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‘Weaponized Voter Rolls’ in New York Exposed by True the Vote’s “The Pit”


When it comes to voter and election fraud, there are hundreds moving parts in the background working tirelessly to reveal the truth.

With so much going on at once, it’s easy to lose track of it all.

“The Pit” is True the Vote’s own strategic secret weapon aimed at exposing the weaponization of mass voter fraud throughout the country.

Marly Hornik, who is the director of New York Citizens Audit took the stage during the event last week, where she shared that ‘weaponized voter rolls’ were being used in New York.

“The voter rolls in New York state have been weaponized,” she claimed.

Our friends at RSBN have more on these ‘weaponized voter rolls:’

Marly Hornik, the director of New York Citizens Audit, stepped onto the stage to share critical information related to “weaponized voter rolls” in the Empire State. “The voter rolls in New York state have been weaponized,” she said.

She continued by explaining how the weaponized voter rolls were used as a registration system where voters could be tracked and extracted.

She then shared major discrepancies that give keyholders complete control of the vote outcome in every district in New York state:

Hornik further said that New York Citizens Audit had identified over three million registrations that were “100 percent positively false,” and that they had flagged eight million registrations that are potentially false.

“This system operates completely independent of any machine or tabulation system used at the polling site,” she told the audience. “…The keyholders literally control every outcome in New York state in every single district.”

Judicial Watch has now announced the filing of a federal lawsuit against New York state and city election officials for failing to remove HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of ineligible voters from voter rolls:

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a federal lawsuit against New York State and New York City election officials for failing to remove potentially hundreds of thousands of ineligible voters from New York City voter registration rolls as federal law requires. The lawsuit, filed under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), details how New York City removed only 22 names under the federal law over six years (Judicial Watch v Valentine et al. (No.1:22-cv-03952)).

The NVRA requires states to “conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove” from the official voter rolls “the names of ineligible voters” who have died or changed residence. Among other things, the law requires registrations to be cancelled when voters fail to respond to address confirmation notices and then fail to vote in the next two general federal elections. In 2018, the Supreme Court confirmed that such removals are mandatory (Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Inst. (138 S. Ct. 1833, 1841-42 (2018)).

The Judicial Watch lawsuit details that New York City’s “own recent data concedes that there were only 22 total” removals under this provision “during a six-year period, in a city of over 5.5 million voters. These are ludicrously small numbers of removals given the sizable populations of these counties.” The lawsuit elaborates

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

The voter rolls have remained just one of the major focal points for proving election fraud.



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