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Millions in PPP Loans Received by Companies Tied to Paul Pelosi Forgiven


The Payment Protection Program (PPP) was created to help businesses decimated by COVID-19 restrictions.

The program cost taxpayers $953 billion and reports suggest 15% of PPP claims were fraudulent.

100 Percent Fed Up revealed that multi-millionaire celebrities also benefitted from significant loans.

Wait for the biggest part of this scam against working-class Americans.

The affluent individuals reportedly will NOT have to repay the money most of the time.

From 100 Percent Fed Up:

Multi-millionaire and billionaire celebrities such as Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Khloe Kardashian received millions in government PPP loans for their businesses, taking funds that were intended to be allocated towards small, struggling businesses.

It has been reported that, after just the first round of PPP loans, up to 90% of ethnic minority business owners were unable to get a loan and were placed at the ‘end of a line.’ An Associated Press survey also indicated that there was a disproportionate amount of white people in rich areas being approved for a loan.

While America’s small businesses went under, our celebrities and their companies thrived. In fact, Kanye West’s Yeezy sneaker line borrowed $2,363,585. During the pandemic, Yeezy’s Adidas sneaker line’s profits increased by 31%.

West’s personal net worth is about $2 billion.

Mom & Pop businesses were left for dead while celebrities got even richer.

The COVID-19 plandemic was a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the elites.

Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, also benefitted from the PPP Program.

100 Percent Fed Up updated their report:

While America’s small businesses went under, political figures have taken advantage of this PPP program, including Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, has an 8.1% share in the restaurant business EDI Associates, according to The Daily Mail.

EDI Associates took out two loans worth over $1.7 million in total, which were both forgiven, including interest.

Find the forgiven loans HERE.


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