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PROPHETIC: Two Lightning Strikes, Message Cannot Be Missed


Even if you don’t believe in prophetic messages, you have to admit this is some wild stuff.

Sure, you could chalk it all up to “coincidence” and if that’s you then that’s ok.

As for me, I’m hard pressed to believe this isn’t a message we should take seriously.

First is a widely-reported story you may have seen about a lightning strike in D.C.

Take a look here:

We covered it here:

Lightning STRIKES Near White House Hospitalizing Four People

Deadly lightning strike directly in front of the White House?

It happens.  Ok.  Once is a coincidence.

Now let's move on to the second one that you might not have seen reported much.

Here is a Palm Tree in Arizona struck by lightning and set ablaze:

It wasn't just somewhere random in Arizona was in Maricopa County.

It was also right before Kari Lake was (finally) declared the winner of the gubernatorial primary.

Take a look:

Those ashes look like something out of Stranger Things!

Yeah, just a coincidence I'm sure.

Backup video:

And for anyone about to say it's fake, sorry but ABC News confirmed it is real:

Ignore these messages at your own peril...

But that's just my opinion, I want to see what you think!

We'll discuss this in detail with Mark Taylor who is returning to my show soon...

It should be a wild interview!

We'll also discuss this with Mark when he's back on the show:

“Heavenly Trump” Wins Thanks To An “Act of God”! (UPDATED) [Video Fixed]


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