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WATCH: President Trump Explains Stance On Saudi Golf Tournament


“No one has gotten to the bottom of 9/11″…

These are the words of President Trump when questioned about his support and hosting of a Saudi golf tournament. A tournament that people were quick to point out was reprehensible due to the Saudi 9/11 connection.

As much as I dislike the Saudi government, Trump has a point.

No one actually knows what happened that day and it should not be out of the question that 9/11 was an inside job by elements within our own government—they’ve done far worse things.

Only the fluffiest of sheep actually believe that the American government, or at least elements within it, aren’t capable of committing such atrocities against their own people; history has shown that they aren’t simply capable, but willing.

President Trump also goes on to cite continued problems between the players and the PGA, stating that the players now have a much better paying alternative.

You can watch his full remarks via the ESPN link directly below:

The Hill noted:

He said on ESPN Thursday that “I’ve known these people for a long time, in Saudi Arabia, and they’ve been friends of mine for a long time.

They’ve invested in many American companies… and frankly, what they’re doing for golf is so great.”

Daily Mail provided coverage of the protests to the Saudi golf tournament:

The families of 9/11 victims vowed to protest outside the club this weekend after being left disappointed by Trump’s attempt to make peace.

He had one of his aides contact the group to claim they were ‘near and dear’ to him. Brett Eagelson, the founder of 9/11 Justice, said the peace offering was of ‘little value’

‘We’re going to make it as painful as possible and unenjoyable as possible for those involved. We think that they need to know our feelings.


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