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White House Announces Second Global COVID-19 Summit to “Vaccinate the World”


This administration will never give up COVID-19.

It’s worse than any drug addiction.

The federal government wants to cling onto fear, power, and control with this bioweapon.

Supposedly, COVID-19 is the scariest illness humanity has ever faced and only ‘vaccinations’ will stop it.

The White House continues pushing the globalist effort to inoculate the entire global population for a disease most people have a 99.99% survival rate.

On Monday, The White House announced that the U.S., Germany, Belize, Indonesia and Senegal will host the second global COVID-19 summit in May.

The Biden Administration said a summit is necessary to “bring solutions to vaccinate the world, save lives now, and build better health security.”

The virtual summit will take place on May 12th.

Belize, as chair of the Caribbean Community; Germany, holding the G7 Presidency; Indonesia, holding the G20 Presidency; and Senegal as African Union Chair, will co-host the event.

The White House issued a joint statement:

The emergence and spread of new variants, like Omicron, have reinforced the need for a strategy aimed at controlling COVID-19 worldwide. Together, we can mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and protect those at the highest risk with vaccinations, testing, and treatments, actions to minimize disruption to routine health services, and through support for the ACT-Accelerator multilateral mechanism. We know we must prepare now to build, sustain, and finance the global capacity we need, not only for emerging COVID-19 variants, but also future health crises. To help achieve these goals, we urge all countries and stakeholders to pledge to take urgent actions to create the systems we need to end the acute phase of COVID-19, save lives, and build better health security and health systems.

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The Summit will build on the themes and commitments made at the first Summit and will place an emphasis on supporting locally-led solutions to both immediate and long-term challenges, including:

  • Getting shots into arms;
  • Deploying tests and treatments, especially for the highest-risk populations;
  • Expanding and protecting the health workforce and minimizing disruptions to routine and essential health services;
  • Enhancing access to medical countermeasures, including research and development and scaling and diversifying local and regional manufacturing; and
  • Generating sustainable financing for pandemic preparedness, health security, and health systems

Infowars added:

US President Joe Biden hosted a similar summit back in September, in which he called on world leaders to meet the WHO’s goal of vaccinating 70% of the world’s population.

While around 64% of the world’s population have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, per WHO data, the disease still infected record numbers of people over the winter. As governments across the Western world turned to more coercive measures to force their populations to get vaccinated, the milder yet more vaccine-resistant Omicron variant spread unabated.

Now, with restrictions lifted in many countries, the conflict in Ukraine has forced the pandemic from the headlines, and only China is still deploying harsh lockdowns to contain relatively small outbreaks.

However, the Biden administration still considers a summit necessary to get “shots into arms” and raise “sustainable financing for pandemic preparedness, health security, and health systems.”


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