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28-Year-Old Times of India Journalist Reportedly Dies After 3 Heart Attacks, Said He Was Fully Vaccinated


Akhlad Khan, a 28-year-old journalist for The Times of India, has reportedly died after suffering three heart attacks.

His death was announced on Twitter by his younger brother.

“This was his 3rd and the last heart attack, he was on the ventilator for a day. On 11 April around 9:30 pm his soul departed,” the message read.

Akhlad announced he had an acute heart attack on March 24th:

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“Just 2 days ago, On 24th March, I suffered another acute heart attack. Was on complete bed rest, feeling much better now Alhumdolillah. Back to work! And guess what? My story leading tomorrow TOI. Need your love and prayers..”

A Twitter user asked him if he was fully vaccinated.

His reply was, “Yes.”


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