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(WATCH) Rep. Maxine Waters Mocks Crowd of Homeless People Trying to Get Housing; Threatens Journalist Reporting Story


U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a large crowd of homeless people to “go home” after they became angry with the congresswoman.

“We don’t got no home, that’s why we’re here!” one person in the crowd shouted at Waters.

“What home we gonna go to,” she added.

Waters responded with a smug look on her face and said, “nothing is going to happen here today.”

Watch the incredible footage below:

The crowd was upset due to a misunderstanding over Section 8 housing vouchers.

Waters later threatened a local journalist and told them not to report the story.

“You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together,” Waters reportedly told investigative reporter Connor Sheets of the Los Angeles Times.

The would-be applicants arrived at an event hosted by nonprofit advocacy group Fathers and Mothers Who Care, which had been meant to help the unhoused obtain emergency shelter.

The New York Post noted:

The confusion reportedly overwhelmed the non-profit as well as Los Angeles Housing Services Authority (LAHSA) workers who told the unexpected arrivals that they would only be able to provide their information and enter an emergency housing database.

Waters’ comments triggered the angry crowd and escalated the situation.

The investigative report also revealed Waters misled homeless individuals about the application process and didn’t follow through on her assurances.

Cont. from The Post:

Soon after, Waters appeared to grow frustrated by a question from a local housing advocacy nonprofit.

“Excuse me, there’s nobody in Washington who works for their people any f— harder than I do,” she said. “I don’t want to hear this. No, no, no.”

One homeless disabled woman, Joyce Burnett, told the Times that Waters instructed the crowd to come back to the South Angeles office the following Tuesday with appropriate documents.

“Maxine Waters was here, and she said to come back Tuesday with our paperwork filled out,” Burnett said. “I have it, everything they asked for. But every time we get near the front of the line, they shut the door. They opened the door about 20 minutes ago and said they’re not servicing anyone else today.”

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When contacted by the LA Times Tuesday, Waters requested the story not be published, saying “it’s a bunch of rumors.”

“You’ll hurt yourself and the community trying to put this together without background,” she told Sheets, according to the report. “I don’t want you to start trying to write it, you won’t understand it.”

Maxine Waters has displayed her true colors and how little she cares for her constituents.

She mocked homeless people searching for housing, lied to them, and threatened reporters in an attempt to suppress the story.

Her repugnant behavior and mishandling of the Los Angeles homeless situation have made things worse.

We can only hope this ends her political career once and for all.


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