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Phase 2 Of The Great Reset Is Here


This war in Ukraine has all the hallmarks of a manufactured crisis…

Under the pretense and ensuing fog of war many, many, things can be done that would otherwise be impossible or incredibly hard to push past people.

Zelensky is currently banning political parties left and right alleging that they have Russian ties…

This is a blatant power grab, and it shows the true intentions of a polished and manicured Zelensky, who appears all over the media looking incredibly well rested in his signature track suit.

For those who missed it, Ukraine is a country that is on the forefront and cutting edge of ‘technology’—World Economic Forum new world order technology…

Through the digital app Diia, the Ukrainian state has effectively put in place the infrastructure for digital ID, a social credit system, and complete state control through the panopticon of smart mobile phones…

This is a wet dream for those in the World Economic Forum and other assorted globalist technocratic facists.

Aside from this country essentially being a model for new world order tyranny, the entire conflict surrounding it is likely being used as a front to further stress supply chains, create an energy crisis, and push for CBDCs

In other words, complete government control and dependency…

Sources claim:

NOQ Report sounded the alarm, and put forward its own theory on the manufactured conflict in Ukraine:

For starters, supply chains of all kinds are being disrupted at an unprecedented level and pace by the war between Russia and Ukraine. Fuel shortages and inflation are also taking off. The anonymous author predicts that, as geopolitical tensions between the NATO alliance and the Sino-Russia axis continue, “a second contraction may plunge the economy into stagflation.”

Stagflation is an economic situation in which inflation and unemployment rates are high while economic growth slows. It’s a precarious dilemma for economic policy, because strategies that help lower inflation can also make unemployment worse. You can learn more about this in the March 10, 2022, Conversation article, “Why Stagflation Is an Economic Nightmare.”


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Ukraine Now highlights their use of the Diia app:

Digitalization has become Ukraine’s flagship topic and the state priority during the last two years.

Taking the lead internally, the Ministry of Digital Transformation has the ambition to make Ukraine a world champion in being digital, and we are already the first ones who can use digital IDs with absolutely no internal restrictions.

Here is how Ukraine moves forward with the concept of building a digital state and becoming the world’s leading country in terms of providing services for citizens and businesses.


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