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New Hampshire House Committee Unanimously Passes Bill Allowing Doctors to Prescribe Off-Label Treatments; Will Ivermectin Soon be Available Over-the-Counter?


New Hampshire lawmakers are seeking to pass legislation that would allow consumers to obtain ivermectin at a pharmacy through ordinary procedures.

TRUTH: Ivermectin Safe, Effective, Won The Nobel Prize and FDA Approved Since 1996!

HB 1022 states:

Authorizes pharmacists to dispense ivermectin pursuant to a standing order from a physician or APRN.

Although a few hurdles remain, signs are pointing in the right direction for New Hampshire doctors to prescribe off-label treatments for COVID-19.

The NH House Committee unanimously passed HB 1466 to allow doctors and pharmacists the ability to prescribe treatments without fear of losing their license.

HB 1466 states:

relative to the off-label use of prescription drugs and relative to pharmacy prescriptions.

Daniel Horowitz explains in his latest op-ed on The Blaze:

This is what makes passage of HB 1466 out of the NH House committee so noteworthy. For once, the bill wasn’t partisan. “Today’s unanimous vote on HB 1466 shows that New Hampshire is ready to start fighting back against the medical tyranny griping this country,” said Rep. Melissa Blasek, one of the original co-sponsors, in an interview with TheBlaze on Monday. “Doctors and pharmacists should be able to help people without fear of losing their licenses.”

The bill prevents any licensing board from threatening the license of a doctor for treating people with off-label drugs, as has been done since the beginning of medicine, so long as there is informed consent. “The state of New Hampshire confirms its strong support for the autonomous clinical decision-making authority of a physician and that a physician may lawfully use an FDA approved drug product, biologic or medical device for an off-label indication when such use is based upon sound scientific evidence or sound medical opinion; and therefore the board shall not take disciplinary or non-disciplinary remedial action against a licensee for the off-label use of drugs, biologics, or devices,” reads the opening of the bill.

There is a stronger bill (HB 1022) coming up soon for a vote in the committee specifically directed at ivermectin, making it over the counter in any pharmacy based on a standing order from a local doctor.

Our federal government, mainstream media, Big Tech, and pharmaceutical companies have waged a vicious censorship campaign against off-label COVID treatments.

Ivermectin, along with hydroxychloroquine, remain the primary targets that undercut massive profits for Big Pharma.

While the establishment has lied for two years about ivermectin, the data and real-world testimony show otherwise.

Countries like Japan, India, and Bangladesh proved ivermectin was an affordable, safe, and effective early treatment against SARS-CoV2.

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And the recently published population-scale study from Brazil provided additional evidence ivermectin reduced COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Citywide, Population-Scale Ivermectin Study With 223,128 Participants Finds “Significant Reductions in COVID-19 Infections, Hospitalizations, and Deaths”

If New Hampshire makes ivermectin available over-the-counter in the coming weeks, it's a big victory against the medical establishment.

Dr. Paul Marik M.D. discussed ivermectin and the New Hampshire bill on this Real America's Voice segment: 


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